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Everything posted by Kingslayer

  1. Yeah, that would be if I was some deranged fuck that went around doxxing everyone and multiple people. Me and negrus had a big fight where we did stuff to one another out of spite.
  2. You said I am still a doxxer. That is untrue, as I damn said before. I did it to one person which I am not proud of and WE MADE PEACE about it.
  3. If your gonna accuse me of still being a doxxer then speak with evidence. You have none because the only person I ever had doxxed was negrus. You creep.
  4. Yeah I didn't go by flanker, I stopped going by flanker due to the doxx war we had. And around 2 months ago me and negrus made peace. And everythings back to normal... I don't get why you have the urge to mention old things to try and make people talk about shit about others...
  5. And the house banner was not 2 months ago. That was around the same time.
  6. In that case, I doxxed one person for the reason of doxxing my friend and myself. And your a plain liar for saying I doxxed him for "years". That all happened 2 years ago and I and negrus made peace ever since. So you can put these accusations away. As we have forgiven one another
  7. Your Character or Steam Name: Uncle Yaros (Steam) Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:472799729 Your Discord ID#: isrhaul (814844403386155089) Reason for ban: Goodbye! (Elaborate below) Length of ban: Permanant Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Apology Why should you be unbanned? Correct me if I am wrong, but I was banned last year on 01/05 for insulting and talking bad about the prometheus management team, which at the time included Pendred aswell, I was banned from all platforms, Prometheus, Revenant Networks (Star wars RP) and Diverge. I strongly wish to apologize for my childish actions, I don't remember in particular what I said, but I do know that I said all that I said because I was angry about something that happened in game on Prometheus. After being banished from Prometheus I hopped on diverge to play and was banned then as I realised I got banned from all platforms. I didn't even care anymore, but recently I got the wish to return to diverge. I remember the fun I had roleplaying as a cop on the server, and I was good at it too. Of course here and there I did fool around and get banned on civilian characters, but that was long ago. And as mentioned before this was all a year ago and I have ever since changed and matured more. I am older now and look back at my childish teenage self with some embarrassment as to how toxic I was. I really hope I can be forgiven for this old and idiotic thing I did. Additional Information (images, videos, etc): N/A
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