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Byte last won the day on October 29 2024

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  1. Your appeal has been reviewed and accepted. Your character has been reinstated and can be used again.
  2. Byte


    Hi, staff member that took your flags here. I was made aware of the situation after other staff had reported it in staff chat. When I went to check your logs, I seen you had placed the props down in the same places multiples time repeatedly right after they had been removed by others doing the /mes to remove them. Reminder, you were doing this while mic spamming. You were using the props to further assist in your minging, thus they were removed for prop minge. You already had them removed before, you've already been told and given chances to use them responsibly. You continue to fail to show you have the ability to not abuse the flags, so they were removed from you again and I will be advocating they stay removed for an extended period this time, hopefully you will finally learn they are a privilege to be used responsibly, not a right. This is not a dark rp server. For other staff to check if they wish too as well, these are the last three you placed, last was across the street. You had at least two others just on your first pages of logs across the street with the others. Also note, the time between was way too short for actual RP as you want to argue. https://ibb.co/hBGWZx6 https://ibb.co/HgmpV3z https://ibb.co/3rStCVN
  3. What in the shit post
  4. Byte

    Ban Appeal

    Again, it was multiple times, you also came all the way down the road from where the pharmacy was to the where the manhole was. At least twice. Even in the cooper that is plenty of time to stop. When you see a group of people in the road, that's not an excuse to purposely hit them all. It was not just picking up a body a couple of times as well. You actively were not allowing the cops to do their RP and were inciting others to keep getting involved and encouraging others to mess with the body as well. I am not the only staff that witnessed this and multiple other staff had called you out for it as well.
  5. Byte

    Ban Appeal

    Hi, banning admin here! First off, your ban was only partially for the RDM. The majority of your ban was two other things most of all. The first part of if it was you at least twice in the time I was spectating the scene, ran your cooper through multiple people. The first time it happened is what led to Z67H being ragdoll abused all the way down to the ice. The other player involved was warned for it as they had no history, but your multiple VDMs is what caused it to happen. Secondly, it was the constant minging and NITRP that came with you purposely forcing yourself into a situation you were not involved in and moving the body / keeping officers from chalking the body as they were fearing for their life after you RDMd Darnell. While you may be able to forgive Sosa for his RDM to get him unbanned, I will not be forgiving you for the multiple VDMs and the minging. You have an extensive history of NITRP and I am hoping this time away will teach you to betetr respect the RP in the server and especially the RP of others.
  6. Byte

    Ban Appeal

    When you were told you were being banned for the RDM, your response was to also report him. You reported him, he faced his consequences. If you are saying you forgive him, sure overturn it I guess. His argument of saying it wasn't reported doesn't hold up as you did report him though and provided me the clip when you did report him.
  7. Byte

    Ban Appeal

    Hi, banning admin here! Z67H had reported the issue on the ice, then he also had brought up the clown shooting cops. When I brought the clown in question, he had reported that you had also RDMd him and provided me with the clip of you revenge RDMing him after he had already died and so had you. The clip can be found here. You say the clown was okay with it, but he did report you for the RDM and Z67H had reported the clowns RDM on you guys.
  8. Byte

    Char Appeals

    Post it with the proper format to have it reviewed. Your appeal has been reviewed and denied.
  9. Due to all of this beginning with a fail mug, this is not how this scenario should of played out. It should of been handled by staff after a report was made. Now, with that being said, this whole situation will be voided. The terms of that being though this character will be removed from the faction, all IC knowledge you had of the faction is voided, and there can be no retaliation on your part against the faction (targeting, snitching, etc). If you are caught breaking any of these terms, there will be severe consequences. Your appeal has been reviewed and accepted. Your character has been reinstated and can be used again.
  10. Hi there flag removing adman here! Your flags were removed for prop pushing at the time and you had a previous note for it. I can't seem to find the clip from how long ago it was. I would feel fine returning your pet flags.
  11. Hey there, PKing admin here! The HC has already flushed out the reasons for the orders, so I will just clarify from the staff perspective. I was given orders for you for the reasons already listed several times above. With your time out of the faction I confirmed the orders were put out within the two weeks of you leaving and they were so the PK was approved to move forward.
  12. Byte

    Bats PK

    While this may be a valid kill, it is not a valid PK. It is clear in the clip that you had no intent of starting a violent confrontation with the police, you were only ever aimed at and intended to kill the civilian. While the cops rightfully killed you to protect them, they started the direct violent conflict with you. Your appeal has been reviewed and accepted. Your character has been reinstated and can be used again.
  13. While you may believe it to be a false arrest, it’s easier to void a false arrest ICly than to appeal a PK. At the end of the day, you began a violent confrontation with police and lost causing your death. In the future, I hear it’s not a good idea to shoot at cops. Your appeal has been reviewed and denied. We have determined this PK to be reasonable and/or justified. You may not re-appeal this PK.
  14. While you may have been frustrated from others being there prior and while he may have been annoying you, as jmoorsey pointed out there is proper rules for escalating situation such as this in a way that are not deemed as RDM. Due to this and your POs, this ban and time will stand as such. I hope you take this time to brush up on the rules of our server as you have already RDMd multiple times now. Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied. We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified. Ensure you have read our Server Rules.
  15. Hi, PK'ing admin here! While your PK log was only posted today, I had been approved to withhold it till it was done due to fears of metagame because of who you were. Orders were put on your head on 8/6/2024. To prove the timeline of events, here is the screenshot of when your orders were originally put on you and here is the logs confirming when you left the faction which was 10/14/2024, well after the date of orders being given for you. Happy has already posted a more flushed out reason for their orders, as well as you leaving the faction without his blessing to do so. Edit: For further clarification here is the enlarged orders.
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