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Everything posted by TheTacticalNinja

  1. Funny. I knew once I saw you on you PD char, I knew something was up.
  2. Hello all, I John Reese, was the supervising officer regarding the situation between you and my officers. While I don't know your prior charges, being a convicted felon does not mean a death sentence if you pick up another charge. While it may seem like my officers were out to get you, you obviously cannot get the full picture none of us can. What I can say is that you're the one who shot at officers and they did what they could to arrest you instead of shooting you. Regarding evidence, I was the one who asked my officers to hold off as you were being cooperative and said you had to leave soon. You technically baited us to investigate as you were the one interacting with us then called your friend over to chat in the same sidewalk where you discharged your firearm. I rounded the area and noticed that there was no one even close enough to have been shooting aside from you. You then came up to me and my officers to tell a story in which I let my officers know that I did not believe. Interaction ended soon afterwards. My officers wanted to still investigate you and I let them know I would back them up. Yes, your friend did help us in our investigation and gave us info that help our hunch. The next interaction with you, I told my officers to be carful and they must try to get you to admit you have a firearm on yourself and that if they couldn't they needed to detain and frisk you. Prior to this you gave your license to one of my officer and they ran a firearms license check on you as we wanted to make sure the firearm you had on you was valid. You unfortunately decided to shoot one of my officers and my other officer shot you to protect them. This is the biggest issue here as this will decide your PK. They did there best to not use tasers and guns but once you started running and shooting, they had no choice. Officers had no intention of getting into a shootout that's why they were talking to you and questioning you and being so lenient with you. Staff has the final say regarding this situation and I don't think there really needs to be any further discussions on this.
  3. Marking my post as dumb somewhat makes my point. I don't know you well aside from our game encounters and discord nor do I have anything against you. You seem to already have a lot of support behind you. Even if you don't currently have my support. What I had hope is that you reflected on what I said in my post and took it as feedback. If you don't have the maturity to understand other people's viewpoint of you and just see them as thinking of you in a negative way, how are you going to resolve situations where you're in charge and have the power to punish people. You're going to deal with many different people and of many different ages. Some will be older, and some will be younger than you. A kid on a video game is gonna react the way they want regardless if they are in the right or wrong. If someone acts childish towards you, how are you as a member of the staff team going to react to that? These are the things you're going have to deal with and think about.
  4. -1 I don't honestly mind the minge. However, as someone who wants to be a staff or be in a position of power in which you must monitor others, enforce and understand rules , one must have the maturity and level headedness to carry out those task. From all the encounters and even the most recent one of last week of this posting, I do not feel like this person has the maturity nor is going to be able to make judgements and decisions that isn't clouded by their feelings and emotions at all times. While I have had some decent RP encounters with this person, I cannot at this moment feel confidence in that he will be a fair staff who will take his duties seriously. Maturity is the biggest concern as you cannot let someone get to you and you shouldn't present a childish behavior if an outcome is not in your favor or perhaps if someone doesn't like you or you don't like them. Knowing how to talk (especially since most communication will be online via chat) with others and resolve issues or conflicts is very important. Everyone does deserve a chance and from what others have said, It does seem like this person is changing for the better. Maybe with some monitoring, and training by other members on the staff team, this person could turn out to be a asset to the staff team. The community will throw all situations good, bad, or even out right cruel ones at you during your time as staff. It is how you go about handling these situations that will define you as someone who is beneficial or not. Best of luck to you!
  5. Seems to me like you started the fight with the cop. Happens all the time. Cop shoots someone else doesn't realize that they have a buddy and that buddy kills the cop. This time, you're the buddy and draws on the cop and yet you ended up dead. Self-defense is about protecting yourself, not someone else...
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