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Posts posted by Seansx

  1. 20 minutes ago, JamesNoellHurt said:

    +1 more passive rp would be fun and I feel like would add to the server

    why not just have them make factions? I'd argue theres much more rp with that.


    TONY: (leaning in, whispering) You gotta remember, kid. Loyalty is everything in this life.

    CHRISTOPHER: (nods solemnly) I know, T. I'll never forget where I come from.

    TONY: (smirks) Good. Now let's toast to the family.

    [They raise their glasses, clinking them together.]

    CHRISTOPHER: To the family.

    TONY: (eyes Christopher) And remember, loyalty means more than anything. Loyalty to your capo, to your brothers... loyalty to the very core of who we are.

    CHRISTOPHER: (resolute) I must be loyle to my capo.

    [The scene fades out as they continue their conversation, the weight of loyalty heavy in the air.]


    [Christopher sits at his desk, typing furiously. He pauses, staring at the screen, then continues to type.]

    CHRISTOPHER (V.O.): Loyalty. It's the thread that binds us all. But what happens when loyalty conflicts with ambition? When the family you love demands sacrifices you're not sure you can make?

    [Christopher leans back in his chair, contemplating, as the screen fades to black.]


  3. 4 minutes ago, Prodigy said:

    Sure, this'll be super fun to go through.

    Sombras De Parana (Joseph Johansen): This was the first family I jumped into the game with. They were super friendly, funny and enjoyable to be around, so it felt like it was perfect for someone like me who really loved the social aspects of these kinds of games. When I was brought in, I was a hardcode grinder. The normal gameplay loop sort of spoke to me because it was something I could easily do while working from home. I'd consistently pay double my kickups, but on top of that, I loved to volunteer for security work. It gave me a chance to really put my character out there.

    Eventually, I was even being invited to the dinners themselves and got to enjoy myself with other families. This was a great time and it was the first time I got to put myself out there as what would be known as 'Certified Best Voice'. I have an announcer like voice and I use it a lot to my advantage, being able to capture attention with a voice that's unique, clear and fun to be around.. at least according to others. On this game, the voice does a lot to make the man, it seems. I worked with Sombras for a while, but eventually, I moved into my next horizon.

    C.C.N.G. / Colombo (Cazzo "Abominio" Testa): This was the second family I hopped to, and this time, I was equipped with experience in grinding. Getting my hands on the C racket meant I was an absolute menace and I'd still keep up with doing double kickups. However, at the same time, this is also where I got to really shine. I was consistently talking to people, getting my name out there and making a splash within the family and outside of it. I'd start getting recognized by my voice alone. However, it wasn't until I met up with Ruler that I realized I could be doing so much more. To that end, I began to expand my horizons.

    I'm a huge fan of the Hajime No Ippo manga. I've also been a fan of boxing for over seventeen years. So over the past few months of seeing boxing relegated to something familities did internally, I thought to myself: why not built out the system for an actual ranked circuit? Of course, it'd be a good bit of work and would require dedication, but I love giving that out in spades already to my family, right? Why not do it for myself?

    14K Triad (Atlas "Genesis" Crowe): And then we land on my current character, the one I've dedicated the lion's share of my time to now. Working alongside Ruler, I've been making a name for myself in the city with a lot of different things. Spoke to Willy Wonka about building amazing creations for our business Wonkaland. But I do have to say my crowning achievement has been Wonkaland Fight Night. We're going to be holding the second one tonight (April 6th, 2024), but the first one was amazing. 17 consecutive exhibition matches of families and citizens alike just jumping in the ring for a good ol' fight. Something they could chill out with and feel there were no consequences over.

    It really made me feel like when it came to organization, I really could do something a bit different.


    The enjoyment people felt that night - it's something I wanna replicate. People having dumb fun, people coming onto the server and taking a break from the mafia grind to come and have some laughs with friends in a different way than normal. To facilitate that and be able to indulge in both sides of the coin. That's what I want to do, not just for the server, but honestly for it's people. I view the faction as a vehicle for great roleplay that I can share with everyone and give them a place to say 'Hey, if you want to really roleplay and have a hell of a time, I'll give you the place to truly get into character and indulge.'

    If you have any questions about what I do or just wanna talk to me, my DMs are always open or you could reply in here and I'll try to respond quickly. I super appreciate you saying it's a solid application! I'm a writer as well so I really enjoyed making the small snippet of background for the cult's lore and writing through all of our activities.

    Have a great day!

    Seems like you have a good bit of experience through different ethnicities, what about your highest rank? A lot of people want to be the don, the boss, but it's a lot of work and a lot of people aren't ready for it, even those that have been consig or underboss for a year prior to that so I'm curious what you have managed. Also, why Wonkaland and Willy Wonka as faction leader names/business names, sounds a bit mingy and I'd suggest reworking that tbh. Also doesnt fit with irish cult narrative.

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  4. 28 minutes ago, JamesNoellHurt said:

    Other factions want to help and create roleplay with us. To keep working we accept donations for suits and non ems uniforms. We are also opening the company to the market to get investors involved. As a business, we make money through appointments, ranging from 10k-25k depending on the medical problem. As for inactivity, everyone working for the company has a full interest and wants to contribute to medical roleplay, in order to get an incentive for them we try to have all major functions available at once so it can activate as a full system and no one is out on an over the top workload

    Who is going to pay for appointments? Are you suggesting that people will pay 25k for rp healing? Who will donate suits, and why? And how and what market do you plan to open it to for investing.

    You have sorta just said statements but not explained how that works in reality.

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  5. +1 Cassanos was formerly on this server and its predecessors for over 3 years. In that time we amassed a large community many of which now want to come back and play diverge again. The upcoming update just builds on that. We will strive to provide solid rp and a positive impact as we formerly did. 

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