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  1. I mean, at the end of the day if I do anything like this again, I'll just be rebanned and won't have a chance of getting unbanned because there is a clear pattern. I'm going to be honest the whole christmas thing is a coincidence but I can see how you can view it in that way. If I fuck up one more time. there is pretty much no saying sorry because this is kind of my "final chance"
  2. Your Character or Steam Name: LowkeyGangstah Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): (STEAM_0;0:655729989) Your Discord ID#: wuyurr Reason for ban: MRDM Length of ban: Perma-ban Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Apology Why should you be unbanned? I was banned roughly 20 days ago, And I have thought a lot about it. I'm extremely sorry for MRDM. I logged onto the server and instantly shot the first 2 people I saw and left. I understand i've had previous POs, If you unban it won't happen again, I have been hanging around the wrong crowd recently and they somewhat influenced me to do the MRDM because they were upset they themselves got banned. I was also extremely upset at the time because of IRL issues. and foolishly I took it out on people trying to roleplay on the server. I understand that what I did was stupid, immature and I deserve punishment. I hope the admins recognise that I do have remorse for my actions they shall not repeat again. I wish to play the server again to hang around one of my good friends, whom is known as Logic. Me and him were both apart of the previous friend-group but we left after things got excessively toxic If you give me this chance I wont' let you down Additional Information (images, videos, etc): N/A
  3. Yeah, i'm the guy that gave tobins that screenshot. They don't do RP and try to discredit other applications to make it more likely for theirs to get accepted, They proceeded to delete the message after they got flamed for it.
  4. just let the guy go. if he does anything suspicious again related to something like this its clear that hes hacking and he can be re-permabanned. he didn't actually break any rules apart from shooting weirdly
  5. +1 Hammer is a great-fellah, I've had a wonderful experiences with him and hes always super helpful. Hes also funny because he does a good irish accent
  6. Yeah. to be honest you guys are probably right, I didn't really think this suggestion thru
  7. I think cars should stay the same HP from when they were returned. to force players to spend money on repairing them, as ultimatly it makes no sense to get your car fully repaired free of charged when you respawn it
  8. When you press f2 and want to add people to a door, it would be really nice if you could just search by their name. Another neat-feature would be you can favourite them to always have access to any door you buy.
  9. As a person that has seen this guy do great RP, I don't think it would be a huge deal to give him his perms back, hes been without them for a long-while and has definitly learnt his lesson
  10. Right, So theres no clip of the situation, and the person escalated the conflict, They hit me and i defended myself, Correct me if i'm wrong but Thats not RDM. as I was simply defending myself. As explained in my first message, I logged out as it was like 1:30 AM for me [2:52rn] and I wanted to go downstairs and get some coffee so I could keep playing and grinding. I had no idea that any-staff wanted me, or there was even remotely a situation about this. I was under the clear impression that I was just defending myself. I've read the rules, and from my understanding of them, if you are punched you may defend yourself even with a weapon, apart from Officers that should probably use less lethal-ways but regardless that doesn't matter. I apologise if this was RDM. but from my standpoint it wasn't, I was just trying to defend myself. [No hate to you or anything]
  11. Your Character or Steam Name: LoadedBullet Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): Steam ID: 76561199271725706 Your Discord ID#: loadedbullet Reason for ban: RDM and LTAP Length of ban: 1 week Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Dispute Why should you be unbanned? So first of all, I'm not sure on the reason why i've been banned, I don't know what encounter classified me to get banned RDM, but regardless. I know that everyone i've interacted / killed have either escalated the confrontation by hitting me or threatening me. Also, I don't know how I LTAP'd, I was not in a admin-sit when i logged out, and I logged out when I was in the highway as I was bored and tired as it was and is as of right now, super late for me. I believe that the banning admin Oboshi did not have the full context of the situation. Its one thing banning someone for RDM [Which i'd like to see a clip of so I can explain it] and its another saying someone Left to avoid a Punishment, when I never knew that I had broken a rule, and I was not in a staff-sit at the time of leaving. The Situation is very confusing to me, I took a break for a little bit, came back and saw I got banned for something I didn't do. [Or atleast believe I didn't, from what I understand form the escalation and RDM rules i never broke them] Additional Information (images, videos, etc): Banning admin is Oboshi, no hate to him or anything. I'm just tryna sort out this situation
  12. +1 I want to see some eastern european factions in the city, seems like a group that i'd have fun rping in
  13. -1. I joined these guy's "Organization" and the first i get told is that I need to join a Discord VC in which they were blatantly metagaming by not using Radios and conducting RP. Some of these guys are cool and know whats up. but some also don't.
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