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About MrlogicNova

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Loyle Capo

Loyle Capo (6/14)

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  1. i would have +1 but that clip that kurt sent is crazy https://streamable.com/n65qdz
  2. + 1 Nub is a great guy icl i dont get along with most people or fuck with most people but Nub is a chill guy a kind member in the community and always finds a way to make a situation funny hes also very active would most definitely make a great addition to the staff team
  3. Seems valid he killed a minge
  4. Yea I was the one who informed Rommel that he was permanently banned I’m one of his capos he was genuinely shocked when I notified him so this may have been a mistake. +1
  5. Rizo aint no way your saying he broke rules when your don who died on his other char there asked me to help him metagame it
  6. she rdm baited him i was the guy she wanted to kill i logged off before orders where given and she was doing it so she could kill him
  7. Canadian-bacon allowed some one else to make the appeal on Goldbergs behalf aswell to clear any confusion
  8. Come back to the server before making suggestions
  9. Shit he makes stupid suggestions
  10. MrlogicNova

    PK Apeal

    Yea I followed him around for Abit saw him constantly ramming into random cars refusing to cooperate with the big boss or me and was actively being a risk to the faction sadly you had to go Edit: I sniped you not an admin pk
  11. Other government departments also would need access to this like the department of firearms which may I add regular regulators don’t have a government whitelist they can work in any faction so it might not workout well for this To be a thing
  12. just received an image of you mingeing in another gmod servers general asking for erp you cant talk about being a minge
  13. could also make it so the lockpicks can break so you have to carry more
  14. maybe make it like a 2 week ban
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