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Everything posted by ix_crazy_xi

  1. Your Name: Antonio Rossi , Bobo Moyo , Qadir-nasr Avicenna SteamID: STEAM_0:0:747322032 Staff Member involved: Z O O M E R (i think) What flags were blacklisted from you?: pet flags Reason for blacklist (if given): prop abuse (spawning props to get away) Why should they be returned?: I believe i should get my pet flags back because it was like a month or 2 ago and i was very silly and i regret doing it , it just happened like not thinking i was getting mugged and i placed a prop didn't plan it or everything it just happened after i did it i regretted it so much and it will never happen again i can guarantee it will not happen again so i am asking for a second chance it will never happen again . Thank you for reading my appeal i will respect any decision you have . I would just like one last chance
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