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Steam Tank DoomStack

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Everything posted by Steam Tank DoomStack

  1. I generally believe if I -1 a Olympus puppet faction app, they would actually give a mature reply to my opinion on their app, instead of crying over it. Caseoh, if you loved murder.inc why didn't you contribute or at least join to help with recruitment?
  2. The commission crying over a -1 is just as embarrassing when you people when to murder.inc for them to do your dirty work when your guys got robbed by 14k and CCNG.
  3. don't get mad at me just because I -1 your faction app.
  4. most of the admins who were bribed got banned for it anyways, so who am i starting a war with. Commission attacking each other.
  5. lol if i was in olympus they would have 5-8 pk reasons on your commission char, lol ask pendred for my char name and what factions i was in.
  6. that's cause i don't bribe admins to get unbanned unlike certain people
  7. lol one of those hits were one of your guys
  8. the cope is insane, considering this commission puppet faction app gets 90% of it's comments to be +1s, it's all up to pendred to decide, but in my opinion this faction is just another the Genovese faction reskin.
  9. KZ is not good. I pked him twice with his same char, he just bribes his staff friend to get unpked, finally ended that on the 2nd pk, he fucked off to hl2rp after that,
  10. +1 great backstory and produces good rp, overall good people and has a lot of potential for the server.
  11. -1 the faction will die when they get bored of gmod, seen this on mp time and time again with those same type of groups
  12. RP is dead on the server, I'm just making suggestions to bring it back.
  13. I see no real point on holding back the timeline, people are driving vehicles that didn't exist in 1988 as well for the clothes too. Pk Hits are getting boring, its incredibly easy in a gameplay prospective to get away with them and not worry about police. Crime overall is pretty easy even in extreme cases, police seem to be restricted. If the timeline change happens, i suggest unrestricting most of government's technology for NYPD, such as Forensic Biometrics, Satellite technology, overall standard issued equipment for police officers, etc. This will make pk hits a lot more risky and fun again. I think 2004 can bring a lot more rp to the server even in terms of events. More things to do in the government faction. more inspirations for clothing. more firearms. more event ideas for players and gamemasters.
  14. ask olympus that i have done pk hits without doing /mes, it is easy to getaway with pks.
  15. the language part is text to chat only
  16. 1. Update The Language feature where you don't have to learn English, risk is that if you get arrest and the pd find out you could get a illegal immigration charge for Illegally bypassing the language requirement, this feature adds rp and uses the illegal immigration charge more often, Government faction members could create waivers for illegal immigrants. 2. Karma System (Citizens of New York only). This System has both sides, Law abiding and Criminal, Law abiding Citizens get increased salary up to 300 dollars and discount on legal vendors. Criminal side gets access to underground advertisement, but has more of a increase in negative effects on drug use, reduce welfare check, increase of legal vendor prices, but decrease in illegal vendor item prices. Your criminal side increases if you kill someone, sell weed to vendors, consume drugs, lockpick, restrain someone, etc. Your Law Abiding side increases overtime, sell fish to the fish vendor, work in other legal occupations, etc. 3. Age. Age will depend if you're eligible for senior citizen benefits, which you can apply for in the New York government discord, if your character is above the age of 65 you may be eligible for senior citizen benefits. Benefits will include, dining options, Healthcare, Housing, recreational, transportation and pensions. The older your character is the less athletic he is, which will decrease stamina, endurance, HP and hunger all drugs that you consume will have 2x damage effect on senior characters. 4. Pensions: Government officials, Retired government officials who worked a certain amount of time, senior citizens who applied get pensions. 5. Stock Market, bring back the Stock Market.
  17. 1. Add a fourth skill which is lockpicking, I swear there was a lockpicking skill for nutscript servers. 2. Add a Vendor/fence at the harbor when the new map comes out which will give you money for stolen vehicles, pricing ranges on vehicle type, cooldown will be 10-20 minutes.
  18. This suggestion was attended to end the yapping in rumour or at least reduce the abuse used to argue through underground advert, instead of using rp rumours or adverts.
  19. When somebody gets pked, players will have the ability through /me to take whatever they have in their inventory, including the clothes they have equipped.
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