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Everything posted by Faith

  1. i completely agree, its not even the peaking around corners i miss, its the pvping in general while in third person, its pretty different to every other fps and other third person shooters, now the pvp is just bland and like every other fps ever
  2. what???? staff chars have everyones f3
  3. +1, seen these fellas around town and the rp is always very enjoyable, guy knows what hes doing!
  4. do NOT let this freak back!
  5. PROP FLYING INC!!!! -1
  6. Faith


    Your Character or Steam Name: Faith Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:1:564136784 Your Discord ID#: faithsm Reason for ban: N/A (note) Length of ban: N/A (note) Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): dispute Why should you be unbanned? was noted for RDM after defending myself from another cop pulling out a fire arm on me while their gun may not have been up at the time i had shot i didnt have enough time to see their gun was down to stop shooting! i do not believe the fact that we are both police officers excuses the fact of them pulling on me and coincidently got shot. it is also important to note, the person who killed me said "time to get noted again" this was because they had rdmed me a few days before and i had reported them. them saying that shows their intent to shoot me at the time. i believe a acted fully in self defence and in line with the rules, i do not think nour did this maliciously but i believe he has miss judged. ALSO NOTE I AM OFF DUTY IN THIS CLIP THEREFORE COULD NOT HAVE TAKEN ACTION BY ARRESTING THEM! Additional Information (images, videos, etc): https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/hZ1aHVcZld2FLu6P8/d13370Q2xwZ1?invite=cr-MSxvTFosMTQ2OTAxMDYzLA
  7. key word ‘robbing’ ok ua sorry for talking on pk appeal pls no forums warning!!!
  8. you might wanna read over the pk rules pal,,, u can find them right here! on the forums!
  9. -1, lazy backstory doesnt even reach word minimum , doesn’t really add anything to the server, fellas not fit to be a faction leader. sorry!
  10. yeah no thats not what happened. Hi! i was involved in the shoot out that led to your death. so, that confrontation started when your people pointed guns at us from the boat house, since we was threatened, we decided to come over and see why you decided to aim at up! when we came over to see why you fellas was pointing guns at us, one of your guys pulled on us! causing him to be shot! notice how everyones gun is on safety, apart from his. when he got shot for threatening me, the rest of you pulled your guns and started shooting our group, causing you all to get dropped. we had no knowledge of the black fella there and was simply coming over to ask why you was aiming firearms at us, you decided to shoot. nothing "vigilante" about protecting yourself! its almost as if the man wasnt pointing a gun at us and had his hands up, not too sure what your trying to suggest here, learn better trigger discipline
  11. Faith

    Monte's Ban appeal

    change.org that shit
  12. Faith

    Monte's Ban appeal

    dawg i reported him to those fellas and get him cbanned over there but ok! having someone added on discord ≠ supporting them!
  13. Faith

    Monte's Ban appeal

    -1... shit should get extended, any one tryna protect him, fella admitted it was illegal himself! then after the child said no, "Imma make you that typa girl". absolute freak!
  14. +1 https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/1wWOJO1buEdHYX
  15. cant wait, pvp will be so much more exciting finding new spots and angles, trailer looks dope too, yall cooked
  16. things like this already exist icly, given the fact diverge is a roleplay server its best to be left untouched -1
  17. rain update + diverge sickness update = 100% immersion!
  18. +1 this is needed, not only is it a massive QOL update, its a very common practice for people around you to hear the radio to meta your name though it, not very fun when i get name dropped bcc i use /r!
  19. Faith

    PK Appeal

    oh, and heres my pov. this was 100% as mr. smith said, "beyond a shadow of a doubt" on purpose https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/2akJNzkD--ytmD/d1337MOMU8Sp?invite=cr-MSxJYUksMTQ2OTAxMDYzLA
  20. Faith

    PK Appeal

    hi im the 1/2 who pked you. uhhh yeah you can see around the middle of the clip you are already recklessly driving, you had around 6 seconds to change your direction, that is more then enough, not only that, you then tried to flee resulting in you being shot. next time dont crash into cops and if u do hop out the car and say sorry!
  21. https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/2ajLF76l-RJzio/d1337SAl1gzl?invite=cr-MSxnVUYsMTQ2OTAxMDYzLA nuh uh! like i said, it only fucks up your movement on very specific fences
  22. it only seems to happen on around 50% of fences, thats what confused me!
  23. not too sure if this is something that can be fixed or if its something thats already been made aware of, but if it can be it would be very nice if it could be fixed! pretty annoying running down a street tryna look left or right and having your direction get fucked up. minor but annoying! https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/2a9UER3nDDAWE6/d13372w7wxe3?invite=cr-MSxuRncsMTQ2OTAxMDYzLA
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