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Faith last won the day on April 23 2024

Faith had the most liked content!

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About Faith

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Loyle Capo

Loyle Capo (6/14)

  • Idiot
  • Controversial
  • Too many Italians
  • Funny How?
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  1. oh no my risky deal has risks! are police op yes, are they meant to be op, yes. is it okay that they are op, yes! this is a super silly suggestion!
  2. maybe if implemented better, maybe it includes the players descrip in the 911 call
  3. Faith


    clown car with max armour getting chased by NYPD, 5 clowns with fucked hitboxes hanging out the window spray the car with mac-11s, blowing the car up in seconds! there would be no good way to balance this! you can also just like you know press e shoot the guy and press e again, like this! https://medal.tv/games/roblox/clips/jMcUbRXut7ekdpI5K?invite=cr-MSxQTEYsMTQ2OTAxMDYzLA
  4. Faith


    should b able to cancel
  5. on one hand they can be a very kindhearted person and very active, however i must agree with the risk of possible bias, good trait as a friend but not as a staff member.
  6. in all honesty when i first met this fella i really didnt like him, however in the past couple of months he has definitely matured and grown to be quite likeable! he should definitely be given a chance to prove himself +1
  7. Faith

    Logan's Staff App

    +1! from all my interactions with him hes EXTREMELY unbiased, a very good quality to have as staf!
  8. diverge RCTA update!!! diverge time travel update!!!
  9. with the new a map a different background behind the chars could be a breath of fresh air
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