Mr. Hashimoto
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About Mr. Hashimoto

- Birthday 03/11/1997
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Mr. Hashimoto changed their profile photo
Before saying he has "no proof" you need to understand that he was stating that you have numerous offenses doing this is all. Kind of hard to try and be a "good" character when you have a history of doing things not by the book.
Ignorant Bigotry? Against myself or him? Because last I checked he was still missing all of this in his Faction Application which is why I -1 him.
-1 Number of members even after editing apparently is 0. Minimum needed is 5. Server Playtime is Exceedingly low. Only 1 Day is not enough. I know several people who begin to apply after having a couple months. You need more playtime, experience and understanding of how other people lead certain factions within the game before applying. You are also missing a lot of other things that is listed in the Application Format that you forgot, so I am sitting at this -1 for not understanding and following directions.
Need to use the format. https://divergenet.works/topic/29-faction-application-format/
There is only one distinguishing factor that I found causing me to lean to a -1 due to it either being you being mistaken or could be faulting. You say you have been an active member of the Gmod Community since 2009 and yet whenever you go to your Steam Profile it says you have only have Steam since 2012. Which begs to differ on your lapse of memory. Just my opinion.
Name of Faction: NASA. Number of Members (Minimum of 5): 9 (50+ Supporters) Type Of Faction (Family, Triad, Street Gang, etc): Government Space Research Facility. Ethnic Background (ex: Italian, Greek, African American, Irish, etc): All Ethnic Groups. Name of Character running the faction: Thomas Barnett Your Discord # (ex: gamer#4210): thomas.barnett Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:121066498 Your Server playtime: Your play time is: 3w 2h 44m Do you acknowledge and agree to all faction rules as detailed on the server rules page? (Yes/No): Yes. Do you acknowledge that your faction discord will be owned by us? (Yes/No): Yes. Provide an example of the unique Roleplay your faction will bring to the server/what type of roleplay we can expect from your faction (Images/Videos Preferred): There will be multiple roleplay opportunities within the NASA Facility. Multiple positions and jobs will be available for those wishing to be employed from workers that are into, Clerical Work, R&D, Manufacturing, Chemistry Development, Astronaut Training Program, Facility Management, Finances and more. There will be rp in relations to NASA Research, Rocket Ships, Orbital Space Stations, UFO's,etc. The main money part is going to be like that of Rockefeller. Citizens who gain oil will have the options to do business with us by one of two ways; Selling us the oil drums or converting the oil into Fuel and selling that to us. We on our part can accept both means of transfer to then catalog within our system. Once we reach 100 Barrels/100 Fuel Canisters we will then begin development and the creation of our rocket as the Fuel used will be converted to "Rocket Fuel". Once the rocket is confirmed and completed the Astronauts will have a set date to allow for the gathering of their crew chief, crewman, and other personnel to begin launch preparations towards the Orbital Space Station. z4RZFqA.jpeg (1920×1080) (imgur.com) QNTfTBA.jpeg (1920×1080) (imgur.com) TEKZiyN.jpeg (1920×1080) (imgur.com) W8o2TL9.jpeg (1920×1080) (imgur.com) Provide examples or event ideas to promote activity within your faction and keep people interested. (Reference your unique RP from the question above): There will be multiple events taking place within the City of New York. For the Department of Communications and Outreach, our PR Manager will be holding Fundraisers and events to gather donations and help the support of the citizens. Astronauts will be holding events up in the Orbital Space Station developed by our NASA Research Facility and they will also be tasked with performing routine training sessions. Security will be tasked with maintaining the security and confidentiality of the Facility perimeter and interior, as well as conducting training exercises within their conducted "shoot house". Chemists and Researchers will have separate labs to conduct experiments, development of plans and blueprints for future tech. Example as above is that of the Cockpit V Type 1 which is still in development. ZtYEviy.png (1111×762) (imgur.com) This link shows the current hierarchy and allows for those within the Management positions to host events as well as conduct various exercises to their discretion. Other event ideas as referenced from the photo above could be that of UFO sightings leading to a UFO "crash". Once the crash site is found, we will work alongside the NYPD to section off the area so our scientists and security teams can take reports and findings over any detail involving the crash site. Afterwards all remnants that are not retrievable will be signaled for a control burn to remove any evidence leading the site to UFO presence. The Fundraising Events will have prizes for citizens to earn while money is donated towards the cause of Space Research, Exploration and Travel. Events involved with the PR Team will consist of and include Bean Bag Toss, Marathon Racing, Facility Tours, and Internships that are involved with document handling, research finding, chemistry lab work and product procurement and development. Organization Backstory (Min. of 250+ Words & any images): The New York NASA Research Center and Facility was created in May of 1988. The Facility out in Florida being overwhelmed as is decided to place Thomas Barnett in charge of a new project, that being the Ethereal Program. The Program is tasked to instill young minds of people to join the help in showcasing their ideals and fundamentals. With this mission of NASA's space exploration developing day in and out and New York still being on the East Coast, the Florida branch thought it would be a genius idea to establish another facility just North of their current one. The recent job hunting has been excellent as multiple citizens have begun applying for multiple positions and titles within the Corporation. As days go by multiple citizens within New York are supporting of the Space Program. With donations reaching over $1 million dollars, the facility is slowly being planned and blueprints for its development are being constructed. The expected completion date for the Facility is July 1st. If for some chance the facility is not able to achieve that deadline, the date will be pushed back just one week. Upon completion of the facility all prominent members of the City will be invited for a Red Ribbon cutting event to unveil the City to the facilitated guests that have the proper permissions and clearance access to enter the facility. The Astronauts will prep themselves to partake in a practice simulation to showcase the progression and efforts of the NASA Research Team and Crew Team to show where the money donated, given through grants and funded from has gone to. If through choice from the Governor, the facility will abdicate and remove itself from New York if the progression, development and ideals are not in leu with the ideals and productivity of New York.
-1 You consecutively hinting at your bans in this application does not show us the character you should have. Hinting at "Your motivation for applying is to have something not to get banned for" like, you should have that motivation regardless. Besides the point, seeing as you are 15 and the consecutive ways you "blow your top" in character upon multiple occasions for moronic reasons is another reason you should NOT be approved for staff. Maybe when you have matured and learned how to properly make an application aside from this childlike one, then others will see you with intelligence. Otherwise, I stand by my notion of "Do Not Hire". Don't glorify your past bans, nothing to be proud of. Don't make an application that looks as though it was made by a two-year-old. Actually, put some depth into it. Get better at handling your emotions as you definitely can't within the game and that attributes towards making decisions as a staff member.
Regardless if you made the account in 2022 or today, you are not allowed to bypass a ban regardless of your situation. You doing so is basically showing that you didn't care about your punishment and wanted to "alt hop" to avoid the punishment in its entirety. Maybe after reflecting and showing consideration for your actions you will be allowed to come back but as of right now, seeing as you made a Ban Appeal and got denied for exploiting the rules of "Ban Evading" I don't think you will be getting a repeal to the current situation as you didn't learn anything from it in the beginning.
Mr. Hashimoto started following Faction creation
Several Factors are contributing to a very distinctive -1. One. stating you have 90 hours on the server instead of using !time to show us the proper prompt dictates to myself that you are unsure of the exact amount of time you have and instead are just assuming the amount of time. Two. Follow up to previous; Shows on your Steam Profile you have a total of 182.6 hours total in Gmod and claiming 90 on the server. I personally am sketched out as to the understanding on the verification of such a feat so please upon joining the server next, use !time to get a proper estimation as it states you have played in the last 2 weeks a total of 75.5 hours in gmod and you have had the game since January (at the least). "Now we come to the moronic stuff." When it clearly asks, "NUMBER OF MEMBERS" you are supposed to put the number of members, not each individual person's name. You do realize that due to this being a game people will use that information to meta players in game and have them killed. You basically granted each person seeing your post here an open season ticket out on those members. Under. "Type of Faction" there is an option that CLEARLY states "etc" meaning any other type of faction not listed but is recognized. You are wanting a Cartel even within the name you chose indicating such and yet your brain went sideways and chose, "Triad". On top of that, you basically plagiarized the whole entire organization backstory being unable to think of something yourself to bring to the table. This is a HEAVY -1 and with everything stated. You need to learn how to how to be creative in starting a faction as attempting something like this without the "Proper Knowledge, Grammar and Understanding" just shows how poor of a Leader you would have been.
You are the true example as of how the Education System has failed most children. Posting something as moronic and random as this without proper context then writing a sentence that provides nothing but how you are crying for attention shows how little you are.
I will be the first to respond. As of right now I don't believe you are someone who should be a staff member on this server. There are several factors that "I" personally consider and the way you have addressed them are clear indicators upon them. Firstly you have joined just 2 weeks ago. In my fairest opinion I know others who have been here months if not longer who, are not and have not applied for staff due to not comprehending certain rules even with the playtime they have. Second. You say around 4 days, you are unsure even though in the question it states to use "!time" ingame to figure this out, ex: "Your total time is 1w 6d 25m." This is mine. Third. You reason for consideration if I am completely honest is both bland, as well as simplistic.. it doesn't set you apart from any of the others that are playing on here. Most players on here already play that amount per day if not more. You are needing something more to set yourself apart from the rest of us players. As stated in my Honest Opinion I do not believe you are cut out to be staff on this server. Very little playtime, just joined recently and wanting to be a staff member in which with me comes out almost as a Red Flag. And nothing to set you apart from other players.