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  1. ibepimpin

    PK appeal

    1. Disrespecting a Allied High Command member. (You called 14k HC members fat retarded faggot. (for not answering you right away) 2. Asking for people to buy and/or Sell drugs on a Legal business property. (pretty fucking stupid, seeing as there was a cop outside the door when you asked) 3. Upon returning to the Family you where warned that if you fucked up you where gone. (Douchebag Warned you) 4. Your Temper. (L Honestly) All of these were exact reasons on why you were PK'd.
  2. Your Character or Steam Name: Pimpin Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:0:497427569 Your Discord ID#: 666977087931809833 Reason for ban: Meta-Game Length of ban: 3 Days Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): I honestly have no idea why I was banned, I was banned at 7:00am and I wasn't even in server, haven't been in server since 5:00pm EST Yesterday. I can't think what would've gotten me banned. Why should you be unbanned? I have never caused any trouble, I was never even spoke to about the situation, just banned. Additional Information (images, videos, etc): I don't know why I was banned. I may have Images/Videos to prove me innocent, If I knew the situation.
  3. PK was Valid, rather is was done rashly or not, it doesn't matter, for someone who has been PK'd from Takahashi over 6 Times, I think we as Takahashi should be mad for allowing you to return to do THE SAME SHIT OVER, AND OVER, and OVER AGAIN. I defended you even when you was 100% in the wrong. It's time to grow up, and start thinking about how your actions rub off on other people. You act like a retard, you get treated like a retard. You got a lot of growing up to do, before you even realize anything anyone is trying to show/explain to you.
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