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About DuckVader

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  1. Really minding his own business following a group of people with a package giving callouts
  2. Im the guy that wrote the orders, you were PKed from the family for constantly disrespecting friends in other families and our own. It was brought to my attention when multiple made members were complaining about you specifically your captain. He told me you were incompetent and just a troublemaker in general, we have strict rules that you accepted when entering the faction and you knew that. You were given very clear warnings when an enforcer gave you a shakedown/beating and then in the same month I myself and another high command member also handed out the same punishment. (This was your second character with us where your last character was whacked for the same thing)
  3. +1 The backstory and overall application is well made, despite low play time they seem to understand the gamemode and the roleplay needed for the server. Why not give em a shot?
  4. +1, i know the guy has the potential to become one of Diverge Networks Finest!
  5. +1. I can speak on my end nothing but good rp. Ive been setting up sitdown gun deals allowing them to test out firearms/drugs and im able to develop good relationships with members of the faction. These guys honestly rp better than some factions on this server and their spin on their faction might honestly bring back some good beef and opportunity's all while giving them the same chance as other factions.
  6. +1, Already RPing in the city. Helped me and my crew hunt down a guy and they run a pretty nice Bar down by self storage.
  7. DuckVader

    PK Appeal

    Hey I'm the guy that PKed you next to gas station. You were killed on Dons orders for leaving the faction, the clip you provided was not you being PKed but an entirely different situation the Bonnanos had no part in. (You also had the Bonnano whitelist car in your clip so lying saying you weren't a made guy in the faction isn't the best excuse to use...)
  8. +1, I've known Carpenter since when we both started in Colombos, I will vouch that his RP is on point and that he shouldn't be removed from the community/server for the incident. I think the times been long enough and that he should be given another chance on the server.
  9. +1 You'll definitely see me putting a character in this faction!
  10. +1, Officially reached Unc status.... might even need.... 13 consiglieres.... tasmanian crab racket But real shit Uncle Rusty taught him well, he'd be a good admin.
  11. This will make overall RP shootouts/hits way better in the way where not everyone's gonna have extended mags and suppressors. +1
  12. +1, good guy and would make an excellent staff member. (kinda a dweeb so perfect fit)
  13. +1, Nothin but love from me, Best capo ive ever met and definitely gonna run a fire faction
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