Character Name: Izumi YamaRyu
Discord ID#: Ruppert2222
Reason for ban: Global rule 1
Length of ban: Permanent
Reason for appeal: Dispute
Why should you be unbanned? First off, I want to thank staff for giving me a chance to show how shit my mouse skills are. I don't have hacks, cheats, exploits, aimbot, etc. I've never had them, I don't even know where to get them, I recently only just got a crosshair that a friend had to show me how to get and use. I would have liked a chance to talk about things before I was banned, I heard through the grape vine the admins were calling each other schizoids over this in dms so I like to extend a thank you to staff involved in banning me for making me write a ban appeal instead of talking with me first whoever you are. I've been here for a while so thank you for giving me the benefit of a doubt.
Additional Information (images, videos, etc):
I was AFK at the park ATM between the motel and casino. I heard someone tying me (fail mug in front of an atm) and I jumped quickly tabbing back into my game, I backed up and pulled out my weapon and hip fired, at this point I was startled because I'm wearing a lot of expensive items, and I had a hand spasm. I'm currently gaming on my TV so I'm sitting in an older leather chair that doesn't work well with my mouse sensitivity, so I had it set at 100% and the situation caused my hand to jump significantly
From my understanding you need more than a skeptical video to ban someone over this and should have looked into the server logs and code for more info. I've spoken to someone who's said you look into the code on the server and see I'm not cheating, please correct me if I'm wrong.
My mouse is sitting on the armrest of an older leather chair with no mousepad, this works for me when I have my sensitivity upped to 100% which is not ideal for pvp but I don't pvp I only RP.
Here's a video proving I have 100% sensitivity (skip to end):
I was never given a chance to explain myself further I was instantly banned. Here's the clip of me being banned:
Here's the clip of the alleged aimbot. Please take you time to slow it down, if you want to download it and go frame by frame, please feel free to do so:
What aimbot locks onto a person's arm? Also if it was an aimbot it would have locked onto the person at the atm, not the person further to the right? I was given this in dms I sure hope this wasn't used in banning me it's clearly not a snap from one frame to the next if you slow the video down.