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Everything posted by niko

  1. -1 I am not at all a cassano advocate like most of the people giving you -1's and I really do like the concept of this faction but I do not think you have nearly enough time and connections to run a faction. You said your highest position was made which is not a bad rank by any means and Im sure you worked hard to get there but the responsibility's of a made man are incredibly different than those of a boss and I think you might be really eager and excited right now but I assure you without the connection and experience not only will it be hard but the chances of you succeeding are very low. Im not say to never try and run a faction all Im saying is maybe right now isnt the best time and you should try to work your way to at least a capo position before trying to do something like this.
  2. Ok so based off what monaclu sent me it was kwik kash that pk'd me. Only thing I dont understand is why two months later and is that allowed.
  3. Name of Character: Vinchenzio Alamado SteamID: STEAM_0:1:522975706 Your Discord ID#: zx_v Date of PK: 4/8/2024 Reason for PK: Toast told me he would find the admin that approved it and tell him to comment the reason underneath since it is not yet logged. Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: I have no clue why I was PK'd I have not mugged anyone or broken into anyplace. Also have gotten confirmation that I wasn't pk'd by the faction I am in. If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: here's a medal clip but it doesn't really explain much https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/26dtaGdtjfbo7e/d1337D8xSUzk?invite=cr-MSxYS0MsMzU1Njc4MzYs
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