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Everything posted by Merfos419

  1. Thank you for your feedback. I will go over the cons that you have mentioned; I understand why you have these doubts and I will explain how all of these are being worked on to become satisfactory for the faction standards here. Regarding the low playtime, I have almost gained 2 more days since publishing the application and I think my understanding of the game is much better than most people with my play time as I've been apart of 3 other Mafia RPs in 2022 (which I have led factions in all) in which 2 used Southside with all using similar racket systems. I have also connected myself with various other organisations here through friends of friends which will lead onto the next con you have given. The 'funnelling guns' has proven less difficult than expected. I have already organised a meeting with a well reputed organisation which handles guns and are working behind the scenes with my people on ways to build relations with others and how to execute it in the best way possible. There is also a comment I made regarding this further up, explaining how other businesses will lead up to this in the event of me not getting the gun racket I had hoped for. Both ideas work just as efficiently as the other and still adds to RP in the way which I want to which will be explained in further detail in the next con. The jobs in question relate to the legal and illegal ones I mentioned which open up opportunities for RP. Before I go into those jobs, I will go over why I have vaguely mentioned 'RP scenarios'; this is because the scenarios are for the PLAYERS to create amongst eachother. The whole point of RP is for a good foundation to be laid down and for the players to build on that by using their own creativity and twists on what already exists. It is very self explanatory on what the scenarios could be in the areas I mention them. Jobs: As I mentioned in the comment above (if you haven't read that already as well, please do so), I explained that AEY is a parent company to Fidalgo Transportes and Santos Security Group (the security firm in question). The roles that these 2 companies create add onto what already exists in AEY, so I will go over those beforehand: Fidalgo Transportes will have roles for delivery drivers, logistics managers who organise the inventory and keep all stock documented, and personal drivers, similar to an Uber Luxe but it will be partnered with Santos Security Group as a luxury security escort. This brings me onto the roles within the Santos Security Group. There are roles for of course security guards, security consultants who assess the risks of the client and provide advice on how to avoid any possible issues, training instructors and event specialists which work on the management and orgnaisation of the security guards when hired for a large event to ensure they provide the best possible service. The 'AEY thing' was the explanation of the gun business, giving further insight on how it works. If you'd like to understand more, please ask more specific questions regarding the company. I can't help you if you don't give me detail on what you don't understand and what you do understand. Again, the feedback is more than appreciated. We have a lot of ambition here and hope to be a big part of this server at some point in time. I hope this has helped you and again, I encourage questions on everything so that you all can understand what I want to accomplish as much as my people do.
  2. REGARDING THE LEGAL BUSINESS SITUATION: What you said about my playtime is perfectly understandable. I understand it is below par for what you would usually accept. I do however, believe I have the necessary skills and have the right people around me to grow this faction into a long standing, important organisation within Diverge. As for the legal business side of things, we expected to not get a Gun Racket straight away, so we have drawn up offshoot companies within the organisation which can eventually build up to the Gun Racket. The first, which is directly linked to the Gun Racket, would be the security firm. This would include personal day-to-day security, security at an event/social gathering, vehicle escorts and the protection of private property. We do intend on purchasing the property of the Harbor, which we want to turn into the Gun Racket, long term of course since I may not be available to do that just yet. Instead, I'd like to make use of Fidalgo Transportes and organise a company which involves themselves with the security firm above regarding the vehicle escorts. Adding onto that, Fidalgo Transportes will also work with other companies to deliver goods to people instead of them having to go to a restaurant or any store in general. This would create RP scenarios with those other businesses which we work with to collect the goods and then also with the customer when receiving the product. The two companies above would work great together as well as on their own, which creates a very active atmosphere as there is a lot more to do than your average faction. This also benefits outsiders because there are more opportunities for them to get into new RP events that they wouldn't have previously been able to be involved in and adds a unique touch to Diverge by doing so. By quickly understanding how the game works, but also the gaps within the market, we believe this would be a great opportunity for the server to grow and build on it's already flourishing activity. We think that we have settled in comfortably and are confident in our skills to lead a faction, irregardless of my playtime and others that may be in the organisation. I encourage questions about these companies so I can give everyone a good understanding of what the vision is and what we want to accomplish here.
  3. Wrong link, mb. It's fixed now. Thank you for informing me.
  4. NAME OF FACTION: Sindicato Chão Pardo (Chao Pardo Syndicate) NUMBER OF MEMBERS: 22 (20~ interested) TYPE OF FAMILY: Crime Family ETHNIC BACKGROUND: Portuguese NAME OF FACTION HEAD'S CHARACTER: Alvaro de Magalhães YOUR DISCORD & STEAM ID: Discord: 419thegreat SteamID: 76561198982078119 YOUR SERVER PLAYTIME: 3d 19h 10m w/ years of leadership experience in other mob/organised crime RP communities within FiveM, ROBLOX & more less relevant AND other Gmod mafia RP servers back in 2021/22 DO YOU ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE TO ALL FACTION RULES AS DETAILED ON THE SERVER RULES PAGE?: Yes DO YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT YOUR FACTION DISCORD WILL BE OWNED BY US?: Yes PROVIDE AN EXAMPLE OF THE UNIQUE ROLEPLAY YOUR FACTION WILL BRING TO THE SERVER/WHAT TYPE OF ROLEPLAY WE CAN EXPECT FROM YOUR FACTION : We hope to create a completely different experience than the other factions. I have noticed in my time here that most faction's members are not closely bonded with one another, and instead operate on their own unless told otherwise. We hope to create an RP environment in which you feel as though this organisation is really your second family, and that you can rely on them when in need at all times. We aim to do this by making jobs within our legal and illegal rackets which must coexist in a way that will have them working together, thus creating better RP scenarios between members and customers/patrons/partners outside of the company. We look to open a gun store which will also include delivery, sporting events and more. More info regarding 'AEY Inc.' is in the Slideshow below: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1O6nJB-MfvSO6NVn9GRmxGoZrn2sXVk4DDHXDkg2VysQ/edit?usp=sharing As well as these things, there are also many ceremonies and gatherings that occur frequently. This will be explained in further detail in the examples below. PROVIDE EXAMPLES OR EVENT IDEAS TO PROMOTE ACTIVITY WITHIN YOUR FACTION AND KEEP PEOPLE INTERESTED. (REFERENCE YOUR UNIQUE RP FROM THE QUESTION ABOVE): There are many events which we attribute to our long standing Portuguese traditions and culture, the neighbourhood of Chao Pardo in particular. Some of the more frequent events will include: Patriarchal Enthronements regarding the respective family clans within the faction. This will create activity by building upon the internal politics, causing members to support different 'Elders' with claims to their Patriarchal seat financially and through intense discussions and negotiations with other powerful members within the clans. The idea of the Council of Elders within every clan ensures it's stability throughout the possible changes of power by laying a strong foundation which can be used to fall back on if a Patriarch has not yet been decided. This, in turn, helps lower ranked, newer members prove themselves by aligning themselves with a powerful Elder. When fully inducted to a clan, there are ceremonies similar to the Italian Made Men ceremonies we call 'Baptisms'. This is where they pledge their allegiance to their clan and the organisation as a whole by swearing an oath of fealty to the Cabeca. These ceremonies have been practiced in various other games that we have had experience in, and we hope to carry that over to Gmod where we believe we can thrive in the environment. Adding onto this, we are creating numerous roles within clans which increase activity by giving unique jobs to do for each person, thus creating more doors opening in regards to RP and boosting their overall enjoyment and activity within an organisation. These roles, legal and illegal, will be important to the structure, finances and growth of the organisation which is aided by the mentorship of the 'Elders' in their respective clans to help them settle into their jobs and showing them the ropes within them. ORGANISATION BACKSTORY: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Tp8viWCaOeNMAnhx9_wfy_ecAAgzRYv9ph5EnbGE3zc/edit?usp=sharing
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