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  1. +1 let me know how we can get the entire italian commission involved immediately
  2. I love cocaine irl and ingame and man this is stupid . Shoot them in the legs if they are on coke its in the SOP. Boohoo you cannot pk them since you inflicted damage first but this suggestion got no lore significance and would not help the server in anyway rp wise to have an NYPD Death Squad with extra runspeed. No, they do not need a stat buff either , cops get infinite kevlar weapons and ammo + essentially class 4 access with mp4n,L9 and G3 at SO+. As a gmod combat freak i can confidently state this would be a super retarded idea to let niggas speedrun with benelis and 2x HP in the PD. -1
  3. You were in the same townhouse that we killed the rest of your friends out of the first time we were commissioned to kill you. I had 6-7 people scouring the map to locate you and the garage was unlocked. You also were swapping on and off characters to avoid detection after adverting and had a drug processor that had just finished processing cocaine ( some of which I personally stole) in the main room , indicating the house was inhabited while owning a locked door with your name on it. No shit youre inside that room.
  4. -1 , Get some more experience on the server and polish the app up, not a bad idea. I dont get the culture fusion but you do you
  5. -1 I dont see the potential for the "great RP" everyone here is speaking of, seems like a generic faction app aside from the thought-out backstory "we uhh sell drugs but appear uhh legal". The example for RP you posted with the youtube link is you and your friends cracking jokes in a Townhouse, what happens when that gets boring? Im assuming all of these people have low playtimes as well. I really dont care about poaching or whatever but longevity wise I see an OOC friendgroup that would go inactive within a month or two if given a faction on the server. You also dont have a clear idea on where youre heading with the rackets, are you getting oil? are you getting drugs? you dont know. Also if youre inching into the criminal underworld, how would a "legal appearing" faction retaliate/react when inevitably an actual criminal faction comes to district/tax you once youre off cooldown? A lot of plot holes people are looking past because they think youre funny with your townhouse improv.
  6. "I was thinking we own a pawnshop" -1 property you require for this faction is already owned, lazy origin
  7. "Whole lotta killing , whole lotta mugging" true and real +!1 !
  8. Death to all Irish , exterminate them all But ... Thomas has Don(BRIEF) and server experience as well as being a branch commander on other RP servers ive been on even though the classes he made were dogshit he knows what hes doing unfortunately, +1
  9. -1 I mean its a unique idea with the cult or whatever but i don't see any longevity in this faction after you and your friends get bored of corralling together. also exterminate the irsih
  10. +1 Established faction with members already active.
  11. +1 Experienced leader , current void in legalrp outside of the lame ass courts
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