Your Character or Steam Name: John "Big Noodle" Riley
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:1:927409994
Your Discord ID#: gilbert.arkadias.wincheste_72265
Reason for ban: "Item Transfer"
Length of ban: 24hrs
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): I didn't know item transfer was illegal if you did it for ur cousin I know that I shouldn't be unbanned because of my ignorance/lack of knowledge of the MOTD and defiantly plan on reading up on it I wouldn't intentionally try to get myself banned after spending 150+ on the server I am still new and trying to learn and will read up on the MOTD tonight even if this doesn't get accepted
Why should you be unbanned? I shouldn't it was valid but I didn't know it was against MOTD and I am sorry. I am still kind of new with 3D playtime I believe
Additional Information (images, videos, etc): No as I said it is valid