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Everything posted by Night

  1. Shotgun was never directly pointed at you or even fired towards you. my only target was the clown that attempted to kill me and then was helping you chase me. no commands were even given when i was inside the city hall room. you hit the corner and shot. please send a clip to show your side of the breach of the room to show anything that occurred. if your able to message a other staff to ask for a second opinion they very much could of gotten on and taken the ticket and handled it themselves. there was no need for you to take action on your own as a staff member to switch from your cop char even late at night. there's reasons why there are steamids/char ids and clips to provide to other staff so they could of handled this at anytime of the day
  2. Also when were staff allowed to take there own pks? https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jJ3OZuGuW1Im4kMfA?invite=cr-MSxHUEcsMTU4NjUzNjY3LA
  3. Name of Character: Muerte "トラニーハンター" Lanzamiento SteamID: 123368903457654323577432 Your Discord ID#: nightwolf4634 Date of PK: 2/18/2025 Reason for PK: Killed by cop with my firearm off safety Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: Honestly it was just plain stupidity on my part i just didn't feel comfortable putting my hands out in surrendered mode in a crowded area when people were attempting to kill me while a officer was attempting to arrest me/id me so i ran and hide in a corner with my gun off safety to protect myself from when i got stabbed and then i got killed by the officer that hit my corner. I understand now i should of just put my hands out on surrendered to avoid this entire situation i just didn't want to get arrested for no reason when i was attempting to defend myself and when i had a valid fafl license but i've just had very toxic and bad situations with every officer in the years i've played on this server. i'm hoping i can be given just this one chance to learn from my mistakes on this char since i've had it for awhile and worked hard on it but i understand if this remains as a valid pk and i appreciate your time If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jJ2gjEUnIQTjrUr5T?invite=cr-MSxXS00sMTU4NjUzNjY3LA
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