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About CobraKaiChampion

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  1. +1 I support fishing all the way. And Hookers.
  2. Based off of what though? There are no sports/horse race bets in game. Im speaking about an actual implementation. Not just betting off of tonights IRL game. I think you dont get the idea
  3. Sorry.. Where are the horse races in game currently? Im speaking of a monitor that sets it up like roulette. With the odds being favored like the roulette table
  4. Not very polite. If you dont want the prop u dont have to use it. I for one agree with the cross prop whole heartedly. +1 totally agree
  5. Another method of factions to make money. Instead of slot machines, and tables What if there was a license handed out separate from the regular gambling license that did Sports Betting and Horse Races? Working in a similar fashion to Roulette. You have a computer or monitor that sets up a fictional horse race with a number of horses, or a football game.. Where you bet on the odds of a horse winning, or how many touchdowns will be made by a particular team. You are able to stack multiple bets for greater risk but more reward. If you lose, the losses can be severe. I have seen simple coin tosses or programs on dark RP servers where you go to a monitor and bet with other players and this could be similar but oriented towards Diverge. An electronic sports and horse race bookie. Since it will set up fictional games nobody has an edge on who wins or loses, and its random like the odds of winning at blackjack or roulette.
  6. Hi there. I just returned after a 3 year hiatus. The server definitely changed. There are forensics, more evidence stacked against criminals, and its easier for PD to convict criminals or catch them. Accessing bank accounts, IDing for something as petty and arbitary as a parking violation ect. And yet the only methods of money making for the most part are Oil, guns or a drug racket. And for a select few- selling donator clothes or cigars, or if you have a gambling license or an poker game. But yet, in the real world the Mafia really stayed away from drugs and they focused much more on white collar crimes. In the 1980s Michael Franzese was famous for his gas tax scam, making fake companies with fake names go bankrupt selling gas, using tax exemptions ect and collecting the cash meanwhile the federal government and gas corporations losing money and yet the end consumer buying cheaper gas. Lots of credit card frauds, or business fraud. As seen in sopranos Tony has that friend of his lose tons of money in a card game and the interest goes up to the point of the guy handing over his sporting goods store for leverage. The mob then starts maxing out their credit so the business declares bankruptcy. But tony gets fake/fraudulent plane tickets and other things under the guys name. I realize this example is complicated given how small the server is, but I would like this post to be an open forum for others with ideas of white collar crimes that dont involve drugs. But a way to fraud the State or City government from taxes with loopholes, or if there were contracted city roles like tow trucks or street cleaners that are run by mob controlled unions. Police request a tow of a vehicle, but if that person is high profile enough the union prevents the tow truck from towing a vehicle. Something like that. I know my ideas here are a bit scattered, but having an overhaul where Parking violations can have citizen or police call for a tow truck to impound a vehicle. The vehicle gets impounded, and the owner must go to city hall and pay a fine for the vehicle to be released. The longer they wait, the fine goes up each day. The city gets money from the player base, and then PD doesnt demand ID for parking violations because there is no criminal element. Its now only a civil matter. From an RP standpoint, players get a $$ figure amount for each vehicle they tow as a tow trucker driver. The cost of a tow is some sort of agreed upon fee between the leader of the tow truck faction and a union they are required to be a part of. The unions are run by the criminals, and the fee is split in half. Half of the tow fee goes to the truck driver, the other half goes to the union fund. The union uses this income to pay Union delegates ect. Or can be like Jimmy Hoffas teamsters Union Pension fund that was used to fund Las Vegas. Right now the server is too much Cops and Robbers. Either you are PD or a Government employee or you are a criminal. But having blue collar jobs like street cleaners, that are hired by the city, or by property owners to clean up garbage that can randomly spawn on a property or the street. Having tow truck drivers for the reasons explained. Union workers that represent Blue collar jobs. There should be a paramedic job as well and the union represents both EHS and PD. If the Union has control over a PD budget, now if they have a lower budget, there can be less PD members online at a given time. Bigger budget = more police ect. Then having a stock market, and having stock market broker jobs with a purpose of making money on behalf of all citizens. With an opportunity for stock manipulation and illegal stock market fraud. Like the stock market actually having an influence on what Oil will be priced at. And it can fluctuate. Sometimes prices will be low. Sometimes if you hold out they will be high.. I realize these are a lot of idea. Just trying to think outside the box of oil barrels and drugs for criminal money making methods.
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