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  1. idk bout you but im chill. My team won last night. I just know 2 meat riders when i see them. And it seems your buddy above is offended. go do tickets like a good boy.
  2. other than shittor not taking suggestion seriously ( probably has a sugar rush irl) I like how you and shittor ride each other immediately after you post a troll comment rather than serious suggestion, the other ones comes immediately. alas only you and your minge friend support each other and i got a few ppl backing me up on this topic. go back to your erp call bozo You have school tmr so dont miss the short bus. public hanging and firing squad
  3. i see you came to back up your husband its not like youll have extra thing to do sky god lol
  4. Basically, not every crook deserves jail time. like it takes half an hour to get the crook a lawyer and it always ends up being a 5 minute plea deal over something non violent. I get the whole "cant do the time don't do the crime " saying but there should be an alternative punishment where every ones wins. Community service or public apology. This will only for offenders with citations or non violent crimes/ misdemeanors (up to the discretion of the supervisor, arresting officer and or lawyer) and the offender can choose to accept the punishment. The community service can be something like taking a alcohol wipe and /me cleans cell while in character hold the wipe to physically clean the cell, he of course will be supervised. That can be added with a public apology in adverts or just the public apology its self. Simply the public apology will be done in a 1 or 2 or so paragraph advert to the PD and City for their reckless actions. once the advert is read by the supervisor or officer and they are satisficed , the offender can be let go with a stern warning and clean record. this can also be used to help reduce a sentence while in lock up. (bro its boring af in the cells) basically this is a win for everyone. they supervisor doesn't have to be tied up with someone with a small offense and don't have to waste time waiting for a lawyer and write a plea deal. Everyone wins here. The crook gets a chance to keep a clean record and learn humility. and the NYPD can actually focus on more serious issues. I mean half the officers let these guys go in the end since there's a lot going on and the offenders charge isn't that serious. Also itll be funny to see the apologies in adverts and a guy cleaning the cells or office in pd. Either way community service is used irl and this can be done in server with out installing more mods. I also thought of this just an hour ago, so please give your input and advice.
  5. yeah it really does look like a fail mug. he snuck up to a player who looked afk and purposely didnt say a word to not get her attention, also he shot her while saying " dont move bitch". So if anything he was being confusing. Fail mug on his part and bad pk if you ask me. Im not a member of this faction but im commenting because a moderator doesnt want ppl to comment on a open forum where everyone has access to lol.
  6. DaddyD15

    PK Appeal

    Hey bud! Im the guy you kinda sorta tried to hold hostage under the false assumption i was helping him. let me be first to tell how close knit everyone is in this group. That same guy who was having fun during minge hour was PKED by me 2 times last year as my cop char and he is looking for the second i eff up to get me fired. He also saved me from a mugging on my civilian.so its shows you an example on how every one treats each other in this server. They mug you alt yet they they hire your main and give you a free gun. I remember telling you he gonna try to bait you so becareful. we also had a OOC convo whenn he pulled up beside us and you had every chance to kill or put him under fear rp. Yet you didnt and also i didnt hear you say " im not mugging you" You flat out point the gun at me in front of atm sayin "Put your f*cking hands up, since because you know him" and if it was a mug, it wouldnt be a legit one because of the zone we are in. If you did state that you werent mugging you i didnt hear that. You also did it right in front of the 2 guys who watched you point the gun at me from the start which is kinda dumb on your end all due respect. you may not had the intention of mugging me but your presentation of the situation and over how you shouldnt point guns at people like it is irl is what got you in the end. If i were you scope the situation and try to bait me ( not mug and drag me from atm because thats fail mug.) and then point your gun at me and ask your question. If admins Unpk you i wouldnt be against that because you sound like it just was a dumb moment that started from a minge during minge hours, so ill +1 in your support because of how dumb the situation was. Hope the best for your appeal.
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