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Everything posted by tymothyjone1973

  1. For the template I need a reason for the pk...
  2. Unoriginal, copy n paste, shut up. The same guy who is telling me to cope is the same guy who was in the exact same situation as I was. You took a break from the server because of family conflict and managed to come back as HC without doing jack shit. Few issues with what you are saying. When I asked ghost for an explanation for the PK, not once did he say one of them was disrespecting HC, and as you have screenshotted the PK rules, you should have also screenshotted my text of disrespecting HC to substantiate your claim. You also pointed out I never paid fees, but it appears you have not read my appeal one bit as I have clearly stated I was on LOA, which means Leave of Absence, and also means I need a break from gridning on a gmod server Hey brother, this whole Gmod faction is a fantasy, and the only reason why I am pulling you in is because you never did anything with your crew your first term but managed to stay alive due to double standards. If you don't believe me, you never created a new channel, you never created a crew chat or crew announcement to announce kickups, you never did ANYTHING with your crew, but here you are. I don't even see a roaster for you crew, and I spent 2 hours going through the inactive faction logging members who have not even touched this criminal char in over 20 years.
  3. PK Appeal Format Name of Character: Juan Escobar SteamID: STEAM_0:0:741695560 Your Discord ID#: ._jamesfrio Date of PK: 8/10/2024 Reason for PK: Inactivity? Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: I was previously on LOA but did not end it as I was busy with another character and was facing the risk of unemployment and real-life issues in general. Yesterday, Ghost, the leader of the faction, arranged an HC meeting for all capos to participate in. I was a capo at the time, and the meeting had been rescheduled multiple times due to everyone being busy, but we finally found a good time for it, which was yesterday. I was able to attend as I had things to do on my cop character, so I didn't see any problem. During the meeting, Ghost killed me, and I was later PKed. I was genuinely confused because I didn't understand what the hell I did? I had been loyal to him and had earned the rank of capo. I later messaged him asking for an explanation for the PK. He didn't respond until I called him out, despite the fact that I believed I had gained his trust and that of the other HC members. He then told me I would go on my char and ask for names then switch back to my PD char. Keep in mind this is what people have told him he did not see this himself. I explained that I had never done that and that I only switched characters when no one else was online, given the faction's inactivity. I only asked for names to check if they were in my crews or owed me kickups. I am not an italian coward who just demands names when I am on that char. He also mentioned that I had not attended meetings or done anything with my crew. At the time, I was on LOA and needed more time to catch up with my cop character. (I also have never seen a meeting taken place besides the one yesterday) I had planned a crew deal, but only one person contributed, (1 got pked and the other got banned I believe) so it didn't make sense to proceed. It was also confusing because I had seen that the other capos had not been active with their crews either. I would like to point out that Davis, another capo, was promoted on the same day as me. He also did not do anything with his crew, but instead of being PKed, he was demoted to made before being promoted again. fast forward, I had only seen one announcement in his channel, which explains the "activity." I created a roaster with my crew which I don't see the other capos doing but instead of getting my side of the story he ordered a pk without taking time to consider his actions which he has done before at diner (our old business) and killed me. If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines:
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