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Everything posted by Lessrecoil

  1. Name of Character: Christopher Deacello SteamID: STEAM_0:1:64159305 Your Discord ID#: lessrecoil Date of PK: 1/14/25 Reason for PK: Literally zero idea Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: Loaded into the game after logging off for hours with zero substantial reason for a PK. Loaded in and within 10 seconds I am told that I need to follow someone to talk. With zero roleplay reason or lead up to this or any reason before I logged off to PK me, I am taken to the sewers (which I didnt even know was a PK area) and killed with zero explanation or talking. EDIT: I also re-reviewed the PK rules and found zero reason why I would be PKed. Especially considering I have only maybe done 1 thing that warranted a small talking to and didn't break any rules after said conversation. I can point out close to 10 reasons in the PK rules why I wouldn't be eligible. Would really like to highlight the lack of build-up or any type of conversation regarding anything I did wrong. Pretty new to the server but I read the rules and nothing in there lists a vaild reason for me to be PK active. If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines:
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