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  1. You drag metagame into it like you weren't purposefully lurking in the discord. We had also communicated ic via the voice radio. Plus I had people come up to me ic. Your retiring doesnt matter. The bare facts is that you left 12 days ago, which is in the 2 week window. You are a known name from the family. Your character has too much history and ties back to the Cassano's to even reason you leaving. I'm not saying people arent allowed to retire. Obviously people can retire. But retiring and leaving the whitelist with no prior communication or talks, is not the same. When push comes to shove, you left, did stupid shit, and got PK'd. Stop bitching and take accountability for the shit you did.
  2. Hi! I was made aware in character that you had been around saying some things that no made man should be saying. Whether you were retired or not. You abandoned the family, and waited 12 days before you tried to tarnish the name and ruin our reputation. I reached out to the people who needed to be made aware, and they all came to the decision that you should not be out and about. As a made man, long time family member, and baring one of our factions family names 'Galante' you should have known better. You don't get to retire for months then come back and suddenly leave. I am also the person who tailed you, and as soon as you realized you were being followed you ran to the PD. If you believe this PK is unjust then you really are not that smart.
  3. No to multiple people dismemberment, yes to more body parts. Would be cool if you could have optional choices of what you receive too. Or like add a mini game and the results of the mini game changes how many pieces you get back. This reminds me of the thing of using body parts to send a message that was put in a suggestion awhile ago. Something about scalping people. Could be uber cool
  4. +1 Wonder where you got that idea from....
  5. Im just concerned because I feel it would be used as a massive way for people to minge. Maybe up the cost of cell phones and charge a certain amount based upon how long your phone call is. Not sure how the programming of that would work though. Also could consider making more payphones around the city, and put them in sound proof boxes(kinda like the confession boxes). Cool idea, just would have a complicated execution. +1
  6. +½ I agree it should have something, maybe the cashier could tell you the description of the person who cashed in the fraudulent check. Meaning the cop would have to go in and talk to the NPC. I don't think a visual que should be there, because then it would be too easy to catch them. But the description would at least let them have a chance to get the right person+ super easy if the person has a custom description. +another ½ for the SS
  7. The Jews crying ab rdm when they shut down the entirety of the docks and pistol whipped me for even getting close to the stairs is crazy.
  8. that clip made me laugh, I hope this becomes a problem so I get to see more like it
  9. Is Maggy a questionable person at times, yes. Have I had both good and bad experiences, yes. Shes been on long enough that she knows she can't just ban people for saying whatever, but Maggy is one of the few people who take initiative when people are just taking it too far. She has made the server feel much more safe and fair for me, which is what a staff member should do. She also was great at training on my cop char, and didn't make me feel dumb when I asked questions. It seems like she has the experience and passion for it. +1
  10. The reason you can appeal perm bans is the hope that overtime you will reconsider your actions and hopefully learn from them. I remember being on COD at 13 and saying some things that I would never say now at 18. Yes, you broke the rules, and yes morally what you did was very wrong; however, 4 years is a long time and the maturity level between a 13 y/o and 17 y/o are vastly different. If you've apologized directly to the person who you said these things about, then I think this is a fair, and well written appeal. +1
  11. At first I thought you were just going to be like a copy & paste of Shittor, but after playing on the server with you I know that isn't true. You do put in a decent amount of hours, and seem to be pretty passionate about it. +1 (Sorry Jmoorsey, edited it to make it more accurate)
  12. Set my boy Ayden free, bro fucked up but he sings like an angel. For real though his RP is great, and from what I saw he always avoided conflict and tried to make everyone's experience the best it could be. -The one cool Italian woman who hired him
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