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Everything posted by Kewl

  1. -1 i also hold my guns like that one guy in the background story
  2. well now that someone pointed out the "Kostas Crime Syndicate" is "aiming for a legal racket" I guess it's time to make edit #472
  3. you guys out here putting +1 and -1 like it does something lol
  4. -1 not enough time, poor backstory, not very faction leader worthy in terms of knowledge and experience, might last a week
  5. Kewl

    Gang Application

    +1 I would love to buy from the cannabis shop! Great event ideas. I also cant wait for the muggings and murder since that happened a lot in the 1900s yk?
  6. Kewl


  7. For reference, 2 hours after my -1 they changed the name, slightly updated the rank list, and removed the youtube video showcasing RP. For the people who didn't get to see it, he ya go! (Nice Discord Overlay BTW)
  8. -1 Name def needs work, Ranks list on your backstory looks like you spent maybe 3 minutes on it, Playtime could be higher Main reason for my -1 is because I've already had multiple encounters with multiple of the people who make appearances in your video showcasing RP for your faction. The only thing I can say about them is that they are very mingy. Imo this faction wouldn't really last long and seems like it would be run by a group of people who don't know anything about running a faction.
  9. -1 the gas stations aren't even gas stations and I can't wait for people to tell me I cant fill up my tank because im part of an enemy faction also it just seems like an annoyance more than anything else
  10. Kewl

    Monte's Ban appeal

    So basically "I'm a don so I have stuff to do and I shouldn't face the consequences of my actions" right?
  11. -1 I love mexican triads, also cartels have the best history around here guys
  12. +1 more italians in mafia rp, oh marrone
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