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Kewl last won the day on June 28

Kewl had the most liked content!


About Kewl

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Loyle Capo

Loyle Capo (6/14)

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  1. Kewl

    Char appeal

    Hello! I was the person who issued orders the orders on the character and the Don of the faction you were just PKed out of. PKing you was something I had been discussing with members of my high command for the past few days and after noticing you in the city attempting to sell your custom suit, I had sent one of my enforcers to take you out. Despite your recent conversation regarding you wanting to transfer as you said, this was not the reason you were killed. The orders that were issued on your character reflect this. Might I remind you that upon joining a faction you accept the prompt that states you understand the risks of being in a criminal organization, which you accepted upon joining my faction. Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but this wasn't the reason we decided on killing you. It just happened to be the conversation you decided to message me about on the say day you hopped on and were noticed putting up advertisements. No hard feelings man!
  2. Kewl

    The Illuminati

  3. sounds more like a corporate sales pitch, ill just stick to taking baggies of coke on my cop char, it's cheaper anyway -1
  4. What's up chat?

  5. Kewl

    Cab Business

    It would create more RP for people when it comes to the taxis, but there would always have to be a don taxi and other people running it, which could get a little boring, assuming I'm understanding what you're trying to say.
  6. not much profit to be made though
  7. sad day when I cant make rope art that is completely unrealistic anymore
  8. Kinda makes drugs too op if you have more than one at a time
  9. might have to pick up some L now
  10. This guy should run the BPS ngl.

    1. Kurt The Biggest Steppa

      Kurt The Biggest Steppa

      BPS Don Confirmed

    2. Kewl



    3. Tables


      yeah man bts and james is my underboss

  11. I've never used it before so it might be good idk, I'll have to try it next time I'm on!
  12. Mine personally is coke, speed, profitability, its just all around the best.
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