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Everything posted by Baselsamarah

  1. Everything was so familiar until it actually made sense. I remember you. You were a black guy with the shiny flamingo shirt and pants- buying/selling & trading drugs as a civilian because you hated illegal factions, their hierarchy and you didn’t want to pay kickups. Furthermore I do remember a lot of people being upset with you and even thinking you’re a snitch as you were a civilian ex cop walking up to everyone’s business asking if they want to do drug deals with you, All the while you were talking about and trying to bring attention towards Legacy Enterprises the first time around when you made an app last year for a legal faction. https://divergenetworks.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=5787 Lastly, while I believe you were a member of this server for a long time- I truly believe you only ever amounted to 2 weeks in game time. The reasoning behind that is 1) ever since I’ve known you, you’ve hated illegal factions which basically means being alone most of the time and not having fun/interacting with people unless it’s mingey 2) just because Canadian said player time may be corrupted due to steam name error but idk you’ve had the same steam account 3) you didn’t include a server play time in the original faction application you made which means it was most likely “corrupted” a year ago and displayed a time equal to or less than 2 weeks Im neutral, don’t really have a +1 or -1 but you seem like the player type that joins every once in a while because of good old memories, you feel drawn and attached again and again(especially with the new map coming), but in the end you just get bored and leave till the cycle repeats.
  2. I don’t like being a Debby Downer, but Drainer does bring up fairly good points. If you’re dealing with drugs, you’re an illegal faction. You may attempt to appear as legal as possible, though at the end of the day you are a Crime Organization. There is no such thing as no violence, no illegal attention, and the biggest point that Drainer brought up is being involved in faction politics. Whether you are attempting to district under a certain side, or going an even more dangerous neutral unallied route; all it takes is a small insignificant issue to really fuck up your faction entirely.
  3. Sorry to burst your bubble pal… but the only cocaine y’all gon sell is either processed to a NPC like the majority of the server does or flipping secondhand bricks for no profit lol. I feel like it’s very important for someone to be a decent Capo at the minimum in order to be considered for FL or even a HC position as it truly does teach and prepare you for the role- and even then you could still end up being a useless Don with a dead faction. Honestly if you barely even tried to go hard in the paint with the application itself, then you probably aren’t qualified to begin with. -1
  4. FREE BOURBON FOR EVERYONE AS SOON AS THE SHIPPING CONTAINER REACHES SOUTHSIDE DOCKS!!! As the lore of the faction; Brown & Sons Co. Is the largest and oldest brewer in the United States! That can only be true if our alcohol is available for sale to the public and sold by all/most businesses active within the city! (totally a bribe lol)
  5. @Pendred I think Rydog finally has some competition I’m ngl
  6. Why is a 12 y/o acting up lol, someone get him his bib and pacifier
  7. +1 Similarly to the Mexican Triad faction application, this faction seems to be very realistic and has the potential to be powerful in the city and take control over the server. Zeus and Infamy would’ve been shaking in their boots if they heard “i run the block and cant be caught alone as im the big homie and respect me at all cost and get payed and just be dangoures”
  8. Me and you are gonna be besties
  9. The screenshot you posted of the dms is crazy it’s like you passed the phone to menace after boomroasted responded
  10. Re-read what he said lol
  11. Is there a link to download the map and explore it?
  12. Hella rp could lead to you getting out of your car, filling it, and returning to your car and driving off, but it could also add to police chase rp, and pk preparation rp examples: getting chased by the police and your tank runs empty, you have to improvise you’re a cop/hitman in pursuit and your car is empty aka not prepared im sure there are other examples of rp this may generate other than the 3 we were able to list
  13. I would love this and it would add hella rp
  14. I know Bacon-Canadian and Pendred spoke about it a bit, there are also multiple people who played diverge much longer than I who claim it used to be a thing. With the release of a bigger new map, newer factions coming, and pendred maybe finding a way to increase the server population (idk I just saw him say something about entities and trying to lower them)- I feel like it would be a good time to release attachment rackets to increase faction revenue, player interaction/rp, assist in a certain power dynamics between the illegal factions, and help the factions with activity that don’t have gun rackets. They could also have serial numbers(for muzzles) on them, so they could be filed down, sold illegally, and police investigative rp can take place aswell- or sold legally but they must be recorded like gun store sales. it would also help more with taking from the economy and more into the governmental budget as the attachment stamps for gun licences can hold more meaning and power such as different tiers, and how many attachment's someone can carry/transport.
  15. HELLO EVERYONE Thank you all for +1’ing my faction application! Promising to do something and doing something is two different things, so I do not plan to throw out a bunch of empty promises- I truly do wish to improve the server for the better and I do feel like the “legal side” of the RP on the server could benefit from it; as well as benefit it. Yap aside, the reason for this message is to update everyone that Brown & Sons Co. will not be indulging in the stock market as promised in the brochure (as the new business system created by our Governor won’t have any), so in it’s place I plan to open up 2 other successful, profitable legal operations that I will personally ensure the workers gain profit, along with the other 4 legal operations within the company that are planned- Best part is, not every person working for the company has to be whitelisted(only the main ones and oil workers have to be of course, which understandably a lot of oil workers may be alts for their own factions which is fine as long as they don’t break server rules), however I will set a swift oil production in place that will see a daily sale of oil at any given time of the day. Legal work isn’t boring, it just doesn’t pay very good- though I will see to it that it works well, pays well, and is supportive. A true “all in one stop n’ shop” company that is on the people’s side. All the people. This faction/company will guarantee a wide variety of value to anyone and everyone and touch all bases from new players to faction leaders, with a wide array of assistance from legal help, to dupe builds, to event management and help- You name it, Brown & Sons Co. has a team that can do it! Last but not least is I encourage people to dm me, and help me with whatever they’d like to help with- any ideas you may have; im willing to work with everyone! Just because the application has not been accepted yet doesn’t mean we cannot plan and prepare
  16. Hello. I’m sure most of you have heard of or watched Sopranos. If you haven’t- you’re most likely a loser. If you have watched The Sopranos- you’re not him. Whatever character you think you are, you’re not. Anyway with that important message thrown out there, what’s your favourite line from the show? I’ll go first. “I think you should seriously start considering salads” “what do you mean? “what do I mean? I mean get off my car before you flip it over you fat fuck”.
  17. Then they will stop you every single time and most people don’t know how to talk to police properly and they end up getting in cuffs/searched while having drugs on them.
  18. buddy you’re lying out your teeth. You were pkd cause we were tired of your shit, and 4 people told me icly that you were shit talking and making plans; but that wasn’t even the tipping point. You were useless and literally doing nothing, and only 4 people in the entire faction actually liked you (3 of them pkd you and the last one started shit talking you later on ) but you felt you “deserved” capo. Thankfully we shut that shit down because exactly what we knew was gonna happen actually happened when you became capo of Pruz and you had a dead crew (all your faction members admitted this info) and now as Don of Pruz you have an inactive faction. now about pking you over the name- it’s a very simple concept. It’s either you do what we told you to do, or go test your luck somewhere else, though in the end you submitted and gave it to him lol. I am pkd by 14K by my own choice pal- I made the ticket and gave all my stuff away + hundred tracksuits/custom suits and asked to be killed on a boat like the sopranos lol
  19. But then when they do have it, they won’t ask you if you have a license again because they know you do
  20. Lol all that does is further prove my point, and that isn’t why you got pkd but you already knew that
  21. Just don’t get caught doing dumb shit and there won’t be one.
  22. -1, when I was a Faction Leader of a Criminal Faction I would still give out my F3 to anyone cause who gives a shit. It doesn’t actually mean anything. It’s annoying as fuck when people came trying to buy guns; and I, or an employee, would go through a whole process while the customer decides to back out at the end because we’d require his ID to complete the sale yet he feels too entitled/important to hand out his F3. Also UA already stated that anyone Made+ would usually be under a watchlist by the authorities and would definitely be a known figure in the criminal underworld.
  23. combination of these two would be pretty sick ngl- could be a racket everyone could use like weed plants
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