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Everything posted by Baselsamarah

  1. Since we can't destroy items by hitting/shooting them anymore- everyone just throws shit on the ground. A working garbage bin placed in numerous locations around the map that permanently deletes an item, no matter what it is. You could select as many items that are needed to be trashed with a single "are you sure" prompt before removing them so you're sure of what is being thrown away and so you don't have to do that for each induvial object. Maybe even recycling bins that take certain objects to recycle and gives the player back like $2 for not throwing it into the trash. This could also help with lag too
  2. I 100% agree with the rdm bs, and the fact that as of this moment, you can’t even be comped for two things at once, nonetheless a weapon with like 5 attachment and yes attachments are very important for everything not just pks; though that’s when it will matter the most as you would need any advantage over the target because it truly is a life and death situation. Also for that workbench thing- that idea was just for large weapon conversions. So for that tec-9 example, you’d just need to the workbench when you’d like to make your tec from semi auto to full auto, and you vice versa. The laser and The Suppressor can just be screwed on (if we just assume that all guns are threaded for muzzles). Also ammo isn’t really an attachment, we just don’t load mags with the bullets in this game so it just acts as an attachment. Those different ammo types could be their own ammo box entirely. It could even require us to have certain scrap medals and parts that must be purchased from hardware to act as a “transaction” for the workbench.
  3. Yeah I kinda get what you mean, especially being rdm’d, but that would only be the case for certain weapons. Most weapons can only be fitted with sights and muzzles, maybe an accessory- on the fly. Those could be put on and taken off at any given time; No matter where you are, what you’re doing. Now what if the more complicated attachments that actually require work to be done on the firearm like changing the barrel, semi auto to full auto, stock etc. required some sort of conversion kit/workbench to alter the firearm. In order to return the firearm to its original state it he same process much be competed. Possibly a skill level that increases in time, and people could actually be master gunsmiths if they wanted to, and be paid for their craft. The idea is to be prepared for whatever overall. As a hitman you will be drawn toward suppressors, etc. If you’re standing somewhere wanting to get a kill, but the target moves far off, you shouldn’t be able to just press C and build a master weapon like it’s battle-field 2042. If you’re going to a street shootout, then the chances are you just need an automatic weapon, typically concealed in which there are plenty, no attachments required; only wanted. RP purposes beside, even the fact that it promotes activity through another stream of illegal revenue can desperately help other crime FLs.
  4. Whether you want to or not, You will drink my bourbon. All of you. +1, I’ve ran into them; seem to really want the faction through the effort they’ve been putting in. Honestly nothing about this group says incompetence:).
  5. I laugh when I see you commenting on forums posts and you’re perma’d. I think you gotta find a hobby or something… maybe a job to pay pendred to be unbanned:)
  6. My first faction was Colombo's, and I was hella new to the server. I knew nothing about the faction politics within the server; furthermore, at the time, I knew nothing about IRL Mafias and their history- only that they existed. Never watched any Mafia related TV shows/Movies. I kept seeing Underground Advertisements about the Silver Tongue like "Are you Gay? Head down to the Silver Tongue Gay Sex Bar" or something along those lines. I honestly thought that the Gambinos were behind those rumor's, so I decided to make one back. Though my retarded ass made it a public advertisement instead... The advertisement went something like "Do you like older women? Visit Gambinos Mother, she'll drink your cum like juice! No need to pay her either, she doesn't do it for the money!" I was pkd out of the colombos 1 hour later lol
  7. Meh, if the money was that important to Pendred- he wouldn’t have removed their faction in the first place.
  8. AI checker said 2.08%- more like I wrote only 2.08% 🫨
  9. I would like to demonstrate an example of how this will heighten rp within the server. You get a call from your higher ups… they need you on a job… “We need to see you… Now!” The Don contacts you. He presents a photo; name of the target on the rear. You’re rusty, though you’ve proved yourself many times. You pick out the trustworthy AKM- it’s never let you down before. You’re running down the alley, miraculously flinging yourself up the ladder, positioning yourself on the rooftop. You scan the photo, quickly; matching it to the target. You equip the AKM, knowing exactly which attachments are required for an accurate shot. You press C… “WHAT THE FUCK… WHERES THE ATTACHMENTS?!” You know what must be done… You lunge off the roof towards the target- barely surviving the fall. Eyes locked, you’re across the street from the target, you pull out your firearm and start crossing the street… A fucking black Citroen hits you at 10HP and you die lol. Monaclu drags you to a sit and pks you- laughing directly at your face; posting the clip of your pk in staff chat and they all laugh at you. Moral of the story- attachments for certain weapons completely changes the firearm, and having them separate could add a new level of “Being prepared for the job”- among tons of others ways of adding RP.
  10. Bro couldn’t even commit to the act. Sad. @KingJewMonaclu nuts on every photograph he sees, and he does it for real.
  11. Okay… SERIOUSLY… if Pendred and Canadian deny this faction app like they’ve been doing, then we’re just all doomed.
  12. I wrote my entire backstory on a discord- and that discord has logs of the messages how did I get 2.08%
  13. I mean if Canadian denies this like he denied the #007 faction app, it’s just clear that they DO NOT care about this server or the players on it.
  14. Having a room rented out to you has nothing to do with civilian RP and everything to do with the FL’s of the apartments not trusting you and not wanting you in their building. Honestly to follow up on that- it’s safer now than ever to rent a townhouse and process drugs in there as many factions are doing; there are strict laws/regulations in place so cops can’t just break in whenever they want.
  15. We makin it outta Self Storage with this one ️
  16. Fent homeless junkie update when??
  17. Civilian RP has always been the same though, What changed that made it worse than as how you describe “wasn’t bad?”
  18. I’m really not trying to be an asshole, actually attempting to assist; but in my humble opinion this entire group needs to get together and figure out what’s the plan. It’s either you guys are an illegal faction dealing with a drug racket; in which you will be targeted by the law and other criminal factions (I promise you even the allied factions you’ll district with [Doesn’t matter which side] will either not give a shit about you because they have their own problems or you’re just “friendly competition”- and theres still a chance something could go down and you can get principato’d. No alliance is permanent.) OR It’s either you guys are starting a legal faction, and you’ll be dealing with Oil sales. Your primary stream of revenue will be your legal factions activity, because if no one is online advertising, no one is there to buy oil, no money is to be made. Also, when picking a legal faction, please understand your choice. You won’t be targeted by illegal factions and the law, but, You’re basically saying “me and my members don’t want to do anything remotely criminal, intentionally”. Why? Because you can just easily make a criminal char and commit any crime you want, while also attempting the appearance of staying legal and able to create/operate any legal company you’d like. Hope this helps.
  19. Now that you concluded yourself as a retard, would you do us all the favor? edit: you +1d my faction application so I’m gonna be nice and give an explanation: Pendred said multiple times that map was way too big for only 128 people.
  20. just add the attachment rackets already
  21. I never thought I’d see the day… Witerally there’s sigma in his name must I say more? +1 nah but fr although he’s done some questionable things like I have in the past, he admits fault to them and he hasn’t really done anything dumb for a while since he became FL again
  22. My favourite moments on diverge is when I would metagame:)
  23. https://divergenetworks.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=6850 (I was the upper management in 14K she was referring to that denied hiring you- then you slimed a way in by lying to a new recruit and a staff member lol) how are you gonna lie and get caught like that lmfao. I’m now damn sure you are the guy and I am 100% right lol. I do remember seeing the screenshots of you saying you wanted to target them in Hylics discord lmfao. the reason why your ban reason is retard is because you are one of the Hylics retards that couldn’t cope with diverge lol
  24. If I remember correctly, this may be the dude that joined 14K, and used their room in imperial to lure Susan in with her guard down (taking advantage of being in an allied faction) and then attempted to mug her to which resulted in her pk- but at the same time I swear there were screenshots found; he was in a different gmod or fivem discord server talking shit about Susan and making plans to do the very thing that he did. Idk if this is 100% the guy but it seems very familiar to the case I’m talking about
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