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  1. +1 for the concept - it would be nice if we could have a set quantity moved, even if there is a penalty offset to the time, as moving all items at once is tedious, repetitive and pretty lame even in normal/legal implementations (had to move 64 whiskey shots one by one)
  2. Of course you would make this suggestion.. +1 though, definitely something I'd like to see implemented.
  3. +1 This would be an incredible implementation - if you can speak in your language in person, you should be able to speak over radio too.
  4. Nah fair enough but more so for the usual incidental sits that don't happen in the black boxes Bro deadass after you took my name change sit I thought you were still around so I was like "Okay yeah just send it to DOFirearms" and after like 10 seconds I was like yeah I'm definitely talking to myself rn
  5. Please have a little active indicator for when a staff member is still involved in your sit (more prominent than the chat popup) because I feel like I'm schizophrenic when I speak to the walls after a minute assuming the staff member is still floating around..
  6. I can't lie I got no idea what World Corp is. Sounds like a big ass building though Can't have shit in New York
  7. I will in like a day or two I just wanted to find out in advance bro please
  8. I mean I saw the note that the music changes were rolled back temporarily but forensics seems like an interesting mechanic.. Provides more motivation for people to clean up after themselves and police their own brass // lower ranking police would be more inclined to join a department with hands on activities (I get the TTT vibe of investigating bodies from what I read in the announcement) I thought the clowns already had a group or something and wym NASA faction You can't have Police RP without police brutality (one man does not need 5 people)
  9. I got assignments so I couldn't check in myself but can y'all loop me in lol what have I missed out on so far
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