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Everything posted by Bear

  1. +1 Ayden has had a massive impact to legal RP on this server, would be a shame losing someone like that to something like this. even a temp ban would be fair
  2. You spend more time on the forums then in game bruh also +1
  3. Bear

    Video Arcade !

    +1. Would go hard.
  4. Not involved in the situation but you just outed yourself a bit buddy. If this was not premeditated then why would you guys choose to go for the pk? Seems like you and you're buddy made mugging chars for this situation
  5. May not be involved with this but some quick advice. If you have no intention of peddling drugs don't join factions, at that point you aren't even paying them for anything and it just raises the chance that you get you're Character killed
  6. Like WaffleDevs mentioned other people have gotten staff with less time then you. As long as you know the rules and are actually dedicated, seems fair to give you a chance +1
  7. who shit in you're cheerios?
  8. It's soooo good looking
  9. Dockhouse.. HEAR ME OUT Good views. Farside, away from police close to the Boat with the goodies so you don't have to run so far to be "safe" after purchasing things.
  10. Playtime is pretty low. And take it from someone who attempted a faction with little experience. It sucks, take some time, work your way up in another faction on some other character. Learn the server a bit more and when you actually have the experience, go for it
  11. Give it time and this number will end up decreasing. It's hard for like 5 supervisors to take care of 20+ officers,Cadets and Probies. At some point the cop number will decrease as is shown by frequent discharges
  12. Bear

    Ban appeal

    Biggest difference is he hasn't played in years and you're a shit head who should stay banned
  13. Bear

    Ban appeal

    +1 I'm sure it's been long enough His "AI" Apology is honestly better then whatever the fuck you make up everytime you get banned
  14. Bear


    +1 I'm suprised you're still banned dude Might as well unban him it's been awhile
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