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  1. mer

    Ban Appeal

    Fly high gerald 🏍
  2. mer

    mer appeal

    I was just "toying" with the prisoner, and was for sure going to give it back, I maybe didnt gave it back the first time becuase i was messing around which in any case is a deserved pd blacklist but not a ban, again I wasn't stealing just messing with the prisoner which is a pd blacklist not me "stealing" from a prisoner leading to a ban
  3. mer

    mer appeal

    Your Character or Steam Name: mer Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:1:674781158 Your Discord ID#: lasermer Reason for ban: taking a suit a prisoners suit on a cop char Length of ban: 1 day Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Dispute. Why should you be unbanned? I didn't "steal" from the prisoner, I did take the suit from his inventory but told him i was going to give it back to him, which i was planning to do but I couldn't since I wasn't able to move because as I was blocking another prisoner from leaving the cell. In the case I tried moving to give it to him the other player that was with him would have escaped (showed intentions to). What I see as a proper punishment is a PD blacklist for interacting with prisoners but not a ban as I wasn't "stealing" from a prisoner. The guy I "stole" it from can vouch for me and confirm I was 100% giving it back to him.
  4. mer

    VDM Ban length

    Your Character or Steam Name: steam name mer Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): 76561199309828045 Your Discord ID#: lasermer Reason for ban: VDM Length of ban: 3 days Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Dispute Why should you be unbanned? I acknowledge I was fairly banned, my only issue with this ban is the length of it. I did VDM a player but in my ban info it says I vdmed 2 players which is wrong as I only ran over one player. The length of my ban should be shorter as I only ran over one player and a 3 day ban for that is a little absurd. I have learned from my actions and the consequences vdming other players brings me. Additional Information (images, videos, etc):
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