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Posts posted by James

  1. I watched the vid of it and its very clear, you pulled on the cops while they were trying to arrest you I didn't see anything wrong with the PK so it will stand.

    Your appeal has been reviewed and denied.

    We have determined this PK to be reasonable and/or justified.

    You may not re-appeal this PK.

  2. I was shown Multiple clips of other times you have disrespected HC of the faction or allied factions and have been warned about doing so. This would make their reason for the PK valid. You agree to the faction rules upon joining if you don't follow them you have the chance to get pked if they wish to do so.

    Also stop remaking chars with the same last name you have been PKed as something Akiyama 3 times already. 

    Your appeal has been reviewed and denied.

    We have determined this PK to be reasonable and/or justified.

    You may not re-appeal this PK.

  3. I saw the evidence for this and as far as I can see the PK is valid. If you are going to play the server we encourage you to read the rules so that you know what is and isn't allowed and also what the consequences to your actions will be. Lockpicking isn't against the rules but there is a in-character risk to it just like with muggings and the risk as you have found out is that you can be PKed for it. If there was no risk to most criminal acts that part of the server's gameplay would get boring fast.


    Your appeal has been reviewed and denied.

    We have determined this PK to be reasonable and/or justified.

    You may not re-appeal this PK.

  4. From what I can see you barely played for a while then came back played a bit talked to some people then left Pruszkowska and went straight to Tekashi Kai then a day later they put an order out on you for you leave the faction, you then played a bit changed your name then left and came back 2 months later and they still wanted to kill you over the order that was put out which is fair enough. this doesn't seem like a misunderstanding just seems like you didn't get permission to leave and then they killed you and the fact they remembered in a way shows that you were Important enough for them to want to get it done. I'm not sure what Spacium is saying about you getting permission from Hyme as he had quit the server long before this happened and was not Don at the time if you had left back when he was and he gave permission then that would be different but the fact you didn't, you came back and carried on to RP for a bit and I assume you talked to members of Pruszkowska so they knew of your existence and that you have come back after your break at this point any deals with a former don from a year ago that may or may not have happened don't really matter.

    So all in all, you were in the faction you left and they put the order out the day later, you left the server and came back, the order was still out and valid so they killed you. Like anzati said before once the order is out it is valid until they cancel it.

    Your appeal has been reviewed and denied.

    We have determined this PK to be reasonable and/or justified.

    You may not re-appeal this PK.

    • Like 2
  5. From what I can see you had your PET flags removed and then returned with the side note to never give them back if you re-offend. You clearly cant be trusted with the flags so they will stay gone. 

    Your flag appeal has been reviewed and denied.

    We have determined this blacklist to be reasonable and/or justified.

    Ensure you have read our Server Rules.

  6. I checked logs and you were in the faction and left the day before they killed you, logs also show they put out the hit on you the day you left so their hit was within the time limit they have to PK someone that leaves. Also from logs I can see that you were in the faction for a long enough time that they are allowed to PK you if you do leave and seeing as I cant see anything wrong with the PK it will stand. You take the risk that your faction can PK you at any point and they always tell you that leaving gives them a reason to kill you.

    Your appeal has been reviewed and denied.

    We have determined this PK to be reasonable and/or justified.

    You may not re-appeal this PK.

  7. There is trying to flip the car back over and then there is just throwing the car up into the air multiple times just for the fun of it and this is very clearly the latter, this partnered with your replies leads me to believe you are just a minge and trying to say "oh my mouse was on fast mode" instead of just taking responsibility for being an idiot if you did it once then maybe understandable but you did it at least 3 times.

    Your flag appeal has been reviewed and denied.

    We have determined this blacklist to be reasonable and/or justified.

    Ensure you have read our Server Rules.

  8. This mugging is not in a valid location due to the NPC having a clear view of the situation, if they initiated the mugging and then you ran to that area it would be a valid PK but from what was said that doesn't look like the case.

    Your appeal has been reviewed and accepted.

    Your character has been reinstated and can be used again.

    • Like 1
  9. From what I saw and the evidence I had it looked like you two knew each other and somewhat organised it together, he didn't pay you to do it he asked you to do it so he could "come back to Olympus" and gave you all his chars money before he pked himself. it was clear that he was just doing it to get the place raided which he thought would make Olymus like him and was pking the char anyway so had a good opportunity.



  10. Your ban was already reduced from a perma which you got for having a stupidly long PO 19 bans and 15 notes, from this we could see that you had no intention of RPing on the server and had many chances to prove otherwise.

    Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied.

    We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified.

    Ensure you have read our Server Rules.

  11. You can't just shoot someone for "being a coward" especially when you weren't even the guy he was fighting him.

    Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied.

    We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified.

    Ensure you have read our Server Rules.

  12. i can see from the evidence that you were on a phone call with each other and organized a deal you met up he confirmed it was you then gave you the money you then refused to do the deal in their room or his car then got in your car and drove off. If you felt something was fishing you should have just given the money back and left but you left with it.

    Your appeal has been reviewed and denied.

    We have determined this PK to be reasonable and/or justified.

    You may not re-appeal this PK.

  13. Seeing as this is not the first time you've done this and that there was nothing wrong with the ban itself, it will not be overturned or reduced

    Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied.

    We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified.

    Ensure you have read our Server Rules.

  14. Not informing someone that a 45 year+ Plea deal means a PK is not allowed especially when it comes to new players like yourself, also the reason for it is just stupid you probs got fucked by getting a lawyer that just wanted to leave, so I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and unpk you, just make sure you understand what you are signing in the future and if you really think you aren't guilty say that there are always other options that just signing a clearly stupid plea.

    Your appeal has been reviewed and accepted.

    Your character has been reinstated and can be used again.

    Edit - Well it would have been accepted but you deleted the char which means we can't unPK you

  15. Im the banning admin, i got on the server to see that you had 18 kills from your current session which is very suspicious, I get shown a few videos were you just randomly killed a bunch of people and a video of you very clearly RDM baiting, I TP to you ig and see you're are just minging. I then check your POs and see that they are extensive so I banned you

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