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James last won the day on November 21 2024

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About James

  • Birthday August 30

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  1. When joining a faction you have to make sure you understand their rules and actually follow them, if you don't do this they can PK you for it
  2. James

    PK appeal

    Your appeal has been reviewed and denied. We have determined this PK to be reasonable and/or justified. You may not re-appeal this PK.
  3. James

    PK Appeal

    The orders for the PK were not valid. You made him exempt from paying kickups you can't then give orders for not paying them. Dissing someone on its how for what we can gather just the once isn't enough, and finally the situation with the clothing items and rings a large part of it is ooc and across chars. So due to this, your char will be returned but all knowledge of/interactions with Bonannos are voided. Your appeal has been reviewed and accepted. Your character has been reinstated and can be used again.
  4. James

    mer appeal

    You did a silly thing, use this time to learn from that its only a one day ban so its not too bad.
  5. You have some large bans on record you should know the rules by now, especially after coming off of a perma ban you should be doing everything to not get banned. This was a valid ban so will stand, you can wait the time its not that long, use that time to make sure you actually know what the rules are.
  6. James

    unban appeal

    Your ban appeal has been reviewed and accepted. The ban will be reduced to 4 weeks. You will be given this chance but just know that future bans will be much longer due to this and if you ban evade one of them it will stay permanent.
  7. You just got off a ban for RDM and have 7 POs for RDM at this point you should have read the rules so you can understand that something like this isn't allowed.
  8. casino has a ban feature on it, this is just a stupid suggestion if you have the peace of mind to ban yourself you have the will power to not place bets
  9. James

    PK Appeal Eddy

    I was the admin that PKed you, I did so due to you breaking fear rp during a mugging which ended up with you getting killed. The back of the store where you were is a valid place for mugging to occur and the guy did give you ample warning and you clearly saw the gun pointed in your face. Every RP server has some sort of Fear RP rule where you cant run away usually leading to a ban in most cases but here its all ic so if you run and die you lose your char but can still run off and live which is the trade-off, if you have ever played another server before which looking at your steam groups I see you have you would have known this and along with that basically all servers ask you to read the rules first so you know how to play their without getting punished you clearly didn't do that so its not on us that it came to this outcome. If due to this, like you said, it is making you want to leave, please do, if you don't want to follow the rules we don't want you, threatening to leave wont change the outcome of this.
  10. James

    PK appeal

    From what i can see the PK is valid and will stay that why, we suggest everyone reads the rules before playing so "I didn't know I could be PKed for that" isn't a reason to unPK you.
  11. Follow the format or i'm going to just deny it and not read it. Name of Character: SteamID: Your Discord ID#: Date of PK: Reason for PK: Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines:
  12. You are clearly trying to exploit the alt+e system to get into the pd, while doing that you are also acting stupid, you just came off of a perma ban you should know better at this point. DON'T BREAK THE RULES AND YOU WON'T GET BANNED! Simple concept one day you will learn, for now, wait your 14 days and be lucky it's not right back to a perma.
  13. James


    From what I could see this was an invalid ban, just make sure you have your voice recorded on medal for future clips. But it was clear here that you were telling him to get off and he knew you were telling him too. Your ban appeal has been reviewed and accepted. The ban will be lifted from your account shortly. If it was deemed an invalid ban, it will also be removed from your record.
  14. It was found that the pk was invalid due to the time it took from you leaving to them putting orders out for you so you will be unpked
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