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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/11/24 in Posts

  1. Make a buyable Cyanide Pill that when taken will kick in after 5 Minutes and PK your character. Would suggest like putting it on Sewer NPC for like $100,000
    2 points
  2. Name of Character: Ledoo Giattino Steam ID: BigJess255 Discord ID: noname11028 Date of Pk: 11/12/2024 Reason for Pk: Don's orders. I should be un pk'd because I have not looked or talked to a boss in a disrespectful way and when I was pk'd I was just standing on the street afk. I don't know if the pk broke any ru;es but there was no reasoning behind it.
    2 points
  3. make bleach drinkable
    2 points
  4. Can they come in dinosaur chewies?
    2 points
  5. Your Name: Sean Oompa Goldman SteamID: 76561198980521712 Staff Member involved: Falcon I think What flags were blacklisted from you?: Props tool gun physics gun Reason for blacklist (if given): Well, I apparently been given notes and warnings in the past which I can only recall three of them which was a bridge to the barge, spawned lights in businesses, and hiding inside a prop during a mug, which i was joking around with the muggers and i deleted the props afterwards Well, not to long ago my processor phased through the wall so I put a prop over it so it wouldn't phase through the wall again and this has happen multiple times hence why I put a prop over it, and since I was afk i went head just hopped in as I went to go drop off my little brother at school and when i returned my props were taken away Why should they be returned?: I was unfamiliar with the rules and I have been doing this a couple of times and not once was given a warning or even a sit about it so I assumed it was okay I had asked other players and admins they said it was fine as long as during a mug i remove it which I have in the past so I just never looked into the rules as much about it i just know you can not prop block doors thats all Another reason is that I build a lot for my factions and I sell dupes to other factions or just give them out for free for discounts on items so i need my props to make a profit out of it and make builds for other players Ill look into the rules further
    1 point
  6. The avoid being arrested roleplay pill.
    1 point
  7. Fairly simple, I think all of the static properties, billboards, vending machines, chest tables, phone booths should be purchasable by players and they should be extortatable, used for control and managed as passive income investment properties. I have mapped the city to give an outline of what that would look like based upon the city streets and arbitrarily assigned numbers to the specific city locations, I'm willing to do work such as to take pictures of each location to create a purchasing catalog. If there is any interest in pursuing this further. Attached is a map of the city with North being on North Road and everything I could think to map https://docs.google.com/document/d/1r7WgFt9OxMQKln5erBWmlCFh4lkXsghf_aGznFa0tI0/edit ( Addresses ) Further I suggest the following: Phone Booth = Used to connect to eachother for calls, preset numbers for the phonebooths and number dialable. Mail = Mail system, send clothing items in the mail. Supporting custom clothing and makes sense to compliment bank transfers for purchases. Newspaper = Recent PK Messages/ Setable by staff.
    1 point
  8. 0 points
  9. I mean they lose their char so dont really gain much lmao
    0 points
  10. 0 points
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