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Stacker Tool bug


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After 100 props the stacker tool refuses to work. I tried it with 100 boxes and different dupes or props and it all stops at 100, I also have 50 extra props available to use.

Not sure if it is just me but it would be nice to be able to stack 150 times.

Edited by Buks
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+1 “prop limit reached” my ass

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Can you explain why you would need to stack 150 props on top of each other? 

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I just want to be able to use stacker after I have reached 100 props because it isn't my prop limit 🙂

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Say for example you put down your property dupe which is 93 props, if you have the prop booster pack which allows you to spawn 150 props you can’t use the stacker tool on any props after the first 93.

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