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Hans Hunnebun Ban Appeal for "hacking"?

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  On 7/29/2024 at 9:49 PM, Hans Hunnebun said:

how would u know nigga 


because ive cheated on sandbox servers before?

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this nigga a cheater ^

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so if marzii got banned for cheating on other servers why this nigga still here 

Edited by Hans Hunnebun
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just admitted to cheating 

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  On 7/29/2024 at 9:52 PM, Hans Hunnebun said:

so if marzii got banned for cheating on other servers why this nigga still here 


he got banned for free looking ON DIVERGE 

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just say u have a crush on me

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the top photo was taken a millisecond before he shot is first round so, he was aiming right at hem for the first shot t hit  

the middle one was after he shot and when the recoil hit, and a millisecond before he shot two more rounds that missed hitting the locker behind the man being shot 

the photo on the bottom is when he recovered from the recoil and finished shooting and killing hem 

in both times when he hit hem he was aiming right at hem 

and when he was aiming it was not locking on the hem and you could tell he had to manually aim at hem 

and if he had aim bot, he prob would not have missed as many times as he did 


Screenshot 2024-07-30 004328.png

Screenshot 2024-07-30 004456.png

Edited by Daddy-skulls
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  On 7/30/2024 at 7:49 AM, Daddy-skulls said:

and when he was aiming it was not locking on the hem and you could tell he had to manually aim at hem 



once again this is not how cheats work. you do not just "lock on" to every target. the person whos using the cheats screen stays still so the user doesnt have a epileptic attack seeing the screen go all over the place.

since most people in this thread seem to not know how cheats work or how they can look like, here is a example of very blatant aimbot, notice how there is no way to tell apart from the tracers of the gun (and the kills). it looks like im aiming in one spot which i believe to be what this fella is doing https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/ihOQkOizxTZK2VwoX/d1337ilscVKZ?invite=cr-MSxUbHcsMTQ2OTAxMDYzLA (once again on a random sandbox, i have never and will never use cheats on the glorious diverge!)

  On 7/30/2024 at 7:49 AM, Daddy-skulls said:

and if he had aim bot, he prob would not have missed as many times as he did 



his fov circle is obviously very small in a attempt to get away with cheating, this is why you have to have some manual input.

the rest of your post is about the frames and "milliseconds" is just false lol.

im going to leave this thread alone now as its kinda degen of me to sit here for ages trying to prove that this random guy is cheating, good luck with your appeal if you are not cheating but as of now i am convinced you are! cya!

Edited by Faith
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All you proved is that you use cheats on g mod.  For everyone seeing this let me drop my famous /thirdperson settings |height 10 | Horizontal 2 | Distance 57 | pretty sure this is default


Edited by Hans Hunnebun
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So when is this appeal getting approved? So we can have a 1v1 and show how these niggas are just terrible shooters frfr. Crazy someone who has multiple VAC bans is speaking on cheats and how it’s used when this person in question isn’t cheating. If he was given the opportunity to show the pc scan the same moment it happened why hasn’t anyone taken him up on the offer? Most people will delete files but I guarantee his cache isn’t wiped or his local files. Most people don’t even fully clear their shit anyways. 

If he was being watched and or spectated like all staff are to do with other staff members for second opinions would there be clear cut evidence from their pov? Where’s the video of their side of things? When I was staff we would spectate with other members and have caught many people using walls or just purely meta gaming with names using cheats. It always has shown too. I’m surprised after a few days of this appeal being up that he hasn’t been fully investigated by know. Almost like the fear of a great PvP match is to come. 



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  On 8/1/2024 at 12:17 AM, Hans Hunnebun said:

All you proved is that you use cheats on g mod.  For everyone seeing this let me drop my famous /thirdperson settings |height 10 | Horizontal 2 | Distance 57 | pretty sure this is default



how is dropping ur 3rd person settings going to prove that u dont cheat in a gmod server which uses 1st person in pvp????? quit ur yapping buddy. 

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Never said that proved anything just dropped it bc I'm better than u and most people at pvp so I figured I would help the community out.

Edited by Hans Hunnebun
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so hop off my tip

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I spent so long trying to compile the clips and I just gave up, banning admin here,

Your story starts when I begin to noclip around you instead of using the spectate command. (I was watching for almost an hour before! wow!!!)
Literally just going to copy paste all of the text I had explained to others if you could reply with each one of the situations and why you think you're not cheating that'd be great.

  1. I had ---- shoot him from the roof tops in the leg, he then later said to the cops “why are cops shooting me from the roof”, when there was no indication it was a cop (He said flashbang, but from the spectating POV, I didn't see anything, and neither did his clip)
  2. He then goes into the sewers and he’s constantly turning around to see through the walls where the cops are and how close they are, out of render distance he finds a dark corner and sits in it waiting for them to pass right when they're about to catch up to him.
  3. Then I get ---- to shoot him in the leg again from a rooftop, and he makes a ticket asking why civis are shooting him in the legs from rooftop (---- was on a civi this time)
  4. THEN the final straw
  5. No lock picking or anything, ---- was standing outside of the guys ghetto room, and he’s running around and preparing for a gun fight (esping), ---- starts to lock pick and he instantly readies his gun
  6. He wasn’t silent aiming in the last one, but he def knew he was there without making any noise
  7. He also says the appeal starts when the cop shoots him, and that’s when I started noclipping around him on purpose.
  8. oh another super interesting one i forgot to say, when i was spectating him (before i started noclipping around him on purpose), he was bragging how he was the best shooter ever in diverge history and that if any cops tried to arrest him or his friends, he'd win the gunfight, then when they're in a townhouse, not even like 5 seconds after starting another conversation, he goes "oh shit, i think theres cops outside", no sirens on or anything, and a cop is sitting in a bush outside of the window (not visible from garage, where he was standing.... duhhh)

    In the end, I was not trying to bait your PSilent aim (from the original PK clip), but I was trying to bait out ESP behaviour, in which I saw you follow multiple times. "Randomly" doing a 360 to look around you, or looking in the general direction of where someone is shooting you from, but never directly at the person. You act as a csgo player trying to seem legit, but I can tell you're not by all these little hints and movements you do, the biggest and most obvious case of the ESP was in the sewers, when out of render distance, cops don't even turn the corner yet, and you instantly know to hide in a dark area of the sewers? But the second they DO peak you, you're staring directly at them (still out of render distance btw).

Yes, I did read most of the appeal, but it does genuinely start where you talk about being shot from the rooftops, there is a whole one sentence about the townhouse situation when that was almost a quarter of the spectating time.

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Btw the reason I stopped in the sewers and kept looking back is because I got lasered and didnt know where it was from so I figured it If I  kept running toward the light it would raps for me. So, I hid in a dark spot. Also in the sits I made was asking are cops allowed to kill me, same with civs for like nothing. Also, if u would look at the clip you can see when I leave that small patch below the roof a smoke gernade hits me. Thought it was like a flash or something. https://medal.tv/?contentId=imdEG2RvonICnyoBJ&invite=cr-MSw1d1IsMTk3ODk5MjU1LA&spok=d1337CtaEDTR     If I had esp it would probably show in my medal plus I third person abused to see what gang looked like https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/imdVUt12wNlFF4Ibs/d1337oJ7aE8b?invite=cr-MSxLYlgsMTk3ODk5MjU1LA

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Also I am one of diverge's top shottas (full self dick suck). Also with there being a cop outside I am pretty sure I didnt even see the cop or the cop you were talking about. Me being schizo and using my ears dont make me a hacker unless u got a clip of me seeing the cop inside of the bush and saying something then u might have a point but nah.

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  On 8/2/2024 at 4:45 PM, Hans Hunnebun said:

If I had esp it would probably show in my medal


9/10 cheats do not show in medal, so this argument is invalid.

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maybe read the rest of what I wrote ^

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  On 8/2/2024 at 4:45 PM, Hans Hunnebun said:

Btw the reason I stopped in the sewers and kept looking back is because I got lasered and didnt know where it was from so I figured it If I  kept running toward the light it would raps for me. So, I hid in a dark spot. Also in the sits I made was asking are cops allowed to kill me, same with civs for like nothing. Also, if u would look at the clip you can see when I leave that small patch below the roof a smoke gernade hits me. Thought it was like a flash or something. https://medal.tv/?contentId=imdEG2RvonICnyoBJ&invite=cr-MSw1d1IsMTk3ODk5MjU1LA&spok=d1337CtaEDTR     If I had esp it would probably show in my medal plus I third person abused to see what gang looked like https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/imdVUt12wNlFF4Ibs/d1337oJ7aE8b?invite=cr-MSxLYlgsMTk3ODk5MjU1LA


"Probably show in my medal" least obvious trying to hide cheats cheater....

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  On 8/2/2024 at 4:49 PM, Hans Hunnebun said:

Also I am one of diverge's top shottas (full self dick suck). Also with there being a cop outside I am pretty sure I didnt even see the cop or the cop you were talking about. Me being schizo and using my ears dont make me a hacker unless u got a clip of me seeing the cop inside of the bush and saying something then u might have a point but nah.


Because you chose to ignore almost every other point I brought up other than "nah didn't happen", can you answer this one?


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So we are going to act like you care hear exactly what I heard in my headphones and can confirm I didnt hear someone outside. If I was in my inventory trying to lend aid to someone how would I have seen a cop with "esp" that was behind me.  Also in your clip out the window is black and not what would have been on my screen. If im thinking about the right bush im pretty you can see in it from above 

Edited by Hans Hunnebun
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  On 8/3/2024 at 12:55 AM, anzati1 said:

Because you chose to ignore almost every other point I brought up other than "nah didn't happen", can you answer this one?



Top ten legendary anzati moments.

I suggest you learn how to bake @Hans Hunnebun and revisit the forums in a couple months to a year.

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crazy how yall are SOOO convinced im cheating. Pat yourself on the back for a banning a regular player

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niggas when they find out thirdperson can go trough walls 😱

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  On 8/3/2024 at 3:50 AM, Hans Hunnebun said:

crazy how yall are SOOO convinced im cheating. Pat yourself on the back for a banning a regular player


Still havnt replied to the clip of you walling.

  On 8/3/2024 at 4:17 AM, Chief Sosa said:

niggas when they find out thirdperson can go trough walls 😱


Ah yes, the distance of 500 units (max is 100), and where he isnt at the right angle to even look through the wall...

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