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Ban Appeal


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Your Character or Steam Name: Winchester

Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:0:203852801

Your Discord ID#: Dutch

Reason for ban: LTARP

Length of ban: 2 days

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Both to be honest.

Why should you be unbanned? I do admit to the LTARP because I intentionally pressed escape and then disconnect from the server so I was expecting to be banned for LTARP for sure. However, the way the whole situation unfolded was not fair. To begin with, I was doing a car trunk deal with a friend and we were always careful to not do the trade deal in front of any cops, we never spoke about drugs out loud, not even whispering about it, we never used codewords for the drugs and we never used the drugs full name.

On top of this, we never gave a reason for cops to arrest us nor to act the way they acted. I believe this was a baiting situation from the part of the two cops involved in the situation. They somehow knew me and my friend were trading cocaine bricks even though the word "bricks" was never mentioned to begin with, and then they knew about the trade at all. One of them was also inside the car for some reason and me and my friend were unaware of this and surprised and even shocked because my friend when he realized the cop was inside the car he kicked them out.

I spoke with my friend on discord about the situation and with a second friend and both said the situation was unfair and uncalled for. I understand cops have their icly duties, etc but trying to bait people to break rules by breaking rules themselves is not fair play nor should be allowed which is why I am making this ban appeal.

The staff member who banned me was Shards and he told my friend that the cops would not be punished in any way which I find really unfair taking into consideration how the situation unfolded.

I also believe the cop in question (don´t remember their name but I knew it was them) had an argument (let´s say) with me earlier in the day (like 30 minutes earlier) where he completely ignored people getting punched by a civilian and did not make any attempt to arrest the civilian who killed me after punching me like 5 or 7 times (I even had to call a staff sit for the situation to be dealt with and the staff member found out the civilian was already arrested). It seems to me that this cop chooses when to do his job whenever he wants and has acted in bad faith as a way of revenge or as a way to try to bait people into getting pked or banned.

Additional Information (images, videos, etc): I do not have any video evidence of the situation. Also I do not ask for a full unban as I know I broke a server rule but I ask consideration for at least a reduction if you see this ban appeal worth of it. I also admit to use the words "metagame" and "fail rp" in voice chat which would constitute NITRP from my part but it was not included in the ban reason but yeah. I would also like to say thank you to Shards for not pk my character as he was fair and kind in that aspect and I really appreciate it. If this ban appeal gets denied, I hold no hard feelings, I am just trying to get my point across and if there is any information that I am not aware of and that it is my fault then feel free to deny this ban appeal.

Edited by Winchester
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I have no idea about the beginning of your arrest, but I witnessed it. The reason why I banned you was a clear case of LTARP. He kept chasing you for a while, and only when he managed to tase you did you disconnect from the server. I took that as such. I only gave you 2 days since it's your first time, considering the other things that could have happened.

Considering how the situation began, I would like to reduce the ban by 1 day. However, it's important to understand that you can't just alt f4 out of these situations. If there was no evidence to justify your arrest initially, you could pursue legal action. Please keep in mind the importance of staying in character

Edited by Shards
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7 minutes ago, Shards said:

I have no idea about the beginning of your arrest, but I witnessed it. The reason why I banned you was a clear case of LTARP. He kept chasing you for a while, and only when he managed to tase you did you disconnect from the server. I took that as such. I only gave you 2 days since it's your first time, considering the other things that could have happened.

I absolutely agree especially after talking with you in dms on discord. The LTARP was completely my fault and I appreciate the fact you were lenient with me. Lesson learned on my part

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Ban is almost up, but from reading everything, you still did break the rules. Staff are not expected to telepathically read a disconnected players mindset. If there was truly something wrong with the initial arrest, you should've stayed on the server, and gotten staff to void the RP. Not disconnect and get yourself in more trouble.

Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified.

Ensure you have read our Server Rules.

Edited by anzati1
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