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Hans Hunnebun Ban Appeal

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Your Character or Steam Name: Osama al assad

Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:0:628592126

Your Discord ID#:crispytacos0438

Reason for ban:Stove bombing

Length of ban:1 week | never mind it got changed to 2 days thankfully

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): apology / dispute

Why should you be unbanned? I had no idea that stove bombing was against the rules to start with. When I was newer to the server I was told that you could stove bomb just not police stations and government property without ua approval or something like that. So, when I threw a bomb of little italy I was trying to roleplay as a terrorist and have a run in with the police. I have seen many other people be arrested for stove bombing / arson in my time in this server and have never seen anyone get banned for it. I think its kind of odd that me specifically got banned for such a stupid thing. I do apologize for stove bombing / "minging"even though as I was not aware it was in the rules and Ive seen sooo many people act like terrorists and never get banned. Everything I did I tried to keep in rp.

Also shittor changed the ban reason like 2 times

Additional Information (images, videos, etc):image.png.c8f2a20c51390179d82ace26864fcdec.pngimage.png.50c093d15aa05f41d031f94abceea5c4.png

Edited by Hans Hunnebun
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Banning Admin here, I shouldn't have to explain to you that you can't put ammo crates inside a stove drop it off and kill mass amounts of people. We've never once allowed terrorist roleplay. The ban was originally for a week due to me thinking you killed a lot more people. But after viewing your logs I lowered it. And me changing the ban reasons was solely for it to sound better and doesn't affect the ban itself.

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i dont recall killing anyone or trying to kill anyone 

At the time I got banned i had only dropped 1 off the building and ran not in the mass or do i recall killing anyone bc im pretty sure stove bombs cant kill anyone to start with

pretty sure i killed no one so dont know what u mean by saying i killed someone. Might wanna check the logs



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21 minutes ago, Hans Hunnebun said:


My apologies my wording was a bit off. Stove bombs don't kill anyone, and you never killed someone but it is a very mingy approach when roleplaying. We don't allow it regardless


Edited by Shittor
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 "The ban was originally for a week due to me thinking you killed a lot more people. But after viewing your logs I lowered it" if the wording was off and u didnt think i killed anyone why did u lower it exactly if u knew i didnt kill anyone. Also did not even get brought to a sit to even have explained to me why I was being banned  



to sight another ban appeal where the time was messed up | it got deemed invalidimage.thumb.png.d0aa97a1221135ea5193f21b9ec44487.png

Edited by Hans Hunnebun
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You were banned for exploiting the stove script by putting an ammo box in it causing it to blow up which I deem mingey. I understand my wording sounded like I was accusing you of Mass rdming and I apologize. Still,  I doubt changing a ban length will contribute to being an automatically accepted ban. Normally a stovebomb ban is around a week or so as I've seen before and this is my first time dealing with a stovebomb incident. And after seeing that not a lot of damage was dealt metaphorically I lowered the ban.

Edited by Shittor
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Hiding behind the idea of "Terrorist" roleplay is sort of null when you involve harming others. You cannot break rules or minge under the guise of rp. Much how Mental Retardation RP isnt really a thing we allow. I believe the updated ban time is MORE that fair for what you did. You also have past bans for RDM while not entirely applicable here it does show that you should know the rules or proper etiquette.

I’ve come to the conclusion that it is NOT exploiting as Shittor has said however I do agree that you were more or less minging. 

Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified.

Ensure you have read our Server Rules.

Edited by Youbear
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