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Arnold Von Oklem's ban appeal

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Your Character or Steam Name: Arnold Von Oklem 

Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:0:526722689

Your Discord ID#: cer_v3

Reason for ban: Accused of breaking Global Rule #1 (Cheating)

Length of ban: Perma.

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): To start, I would like to apologize to anyone whom believed I was cheating. Why this would be a concept is be on me but nonetheless. There were clip(s) of me walking around and saying people's first name. I only did this to people who ID's I either read, or of the people who I already had the F3s of. This is a lot of people as I have been playing for a long time. I was also shadowed by admins as soon as I entered the server. Which is fairly obvious to tell when you get pulled to sits for the smallest reasons. Do I believe this is admin abuse? No. It was just people doing their jobs. 

Why should you be unbanned? Why should I be unbanned? I believe I should be unbanned for the simple reason of, there is no proof. Clips of me saying someone's first name simply is not enough. Also, who cheats on a game over a decade old? And why on a Nut Script server? Like gentlemen make it make sense.

Additional Information (images, videos, etc): None at the time.

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I was the admin who banned you a while ago, so I'm replying to give some light on the situation. You not only admitted to cheating, you also were somehow stupid enough to say my characters last name. I find this post oddly hilarious, considering you quite literally were cheating on as in your own words "a game over a decade old". 


Anyway, here's a link to a therapy website, I suggest you use it. You're clearly in need of it. Have a great day!

5 hours ago, Arnold Von Oklem said:

Also, who cheats on a game over a decade old?



Edited by adam
fixing up
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Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified.

Ensure you have read our Server Rules.

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