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Its been a long time, Dear Friend.


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Steam Name: Balbarian

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:495539526

Discord: balbarian

Reason for ban: LTARP | POx3

Length of ban: Permanent

Reason for appeal: Regret & Reconciliation

Why should you be unbanned?

1 year, 6 months, 1 week and 6 days have passed, and I've been waiting, and waiting, and waiting, taking this time for self improvement. I took a good look at myself, where i was in life, how my relations with other people deteriorated around me, not wanting things to go bad however not putting in the effort to change them. It was a low point in my life, I felt everything wasn't my fault and everything bad that could have happened to me was the fault of others. I am very grateful of this ban, not only did it give me the time to focus on other aspects of life, it opened the door for new possibilities in my life, and the preservation of success. 

I write this appeal a changed man, regretful of the past yet hopeful for the future. 


Additional Information: Not that it changes anything, nor should it. As of writing this appeal it is my birthday, 22nd of July. All I ask is a Happy Birthday.

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People change, people grow up. 

I've been here for a long time, most of it being a fool. 

But I know how much this means to me now, the community, and the enjoyment I once felt. 

You can look back to my previous ban appeal, about how I'm so sorry and how ill never do it again, that guy was selfish, used others to his advantage, and in the end got dealt what was coming to him, this isn't a man,

and that's not me.

I know my history, and its bad. 

But you will not regret this. 

One final opportunity to show my face, so you'll all see who I really am.

"A man stands firm in his word, don't let nothing get to him, he knows what he is."

Edited by Balbarian
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This was my reply to your previous appeal; 5-ish months ago.



I imagine all the broken links here I had put images of you apologizing in your multiple old ban appeals + originally accepted perma appeal where you were so sorry and swore you change only to be banned again and again.

Not for anything, but you need to actually physically demonstrate a change this time around. Your word is dry and meaningless at this point. Able to bake?

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Yes, i can bake.... Why?


I know, let me get started. Ill be right back in around an hour and a half

Edited by Balbarian
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letters got a bit melted from the heat of the actual cake


Edited by Balbarian
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Don’t ever bake again

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E for effort I guess

Read the rules - https://divergenet.works/forum/8-rules/

Take this rule quiz - https://forms.gle/LwMorDpr5R59Y4fw8

If you get banned again I have zero issue re-perma banning you and never unbanning you again so

Your ban appeal has been reviewed and accepted.

The ban will be lifted from your account shortly. If it was deemed an invalid ban, it will also be removed from your record.

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