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unban appeal for skitz

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Your Character or Steam Name: Philip O'day 

Your SteamID : 

  1. STEAM_0:0:51505712

Your Discord ID#: Skitz_Shit_Boiz#8634

Reason for ban: LTAP/RDM

Length of ban: 1 DAY

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Falsey accused and taken advantage of after I logged off

Why should you be unbanned? --- Participated in an event stated by Bingo "Chuckles" Laughington in advertisement "Help I am being held hostage in TH3!!!" proceeded to move to TH3 and got inside, cleared out the building of hostage takers to free Bingo. I decided not to submit a pk request based on the failed event considering they WERE holding bingo hostage and in a mugging situation, it just seemed incredibly sloppy and not worth my time I had something I needed to go do so I told what I thought was everyone involved I wasn't submitting then I logged. I've never RDM'd LTAP'd VDM'd etc.. I know the rules and follow them closely. IC wise PHILIP O'DAY knows bingo VERY well I have several clips of us RP'ing together I saw he was being held hostage and acted accordingly. I ONLY killed players who were inside of the building during the hostage situation I made sure before opening fire to take note of who was participating. the only thing I did wrong here was I didn't clip it and did not wait to see if I was going to be pulled to a sit for RDM.

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Hi Banning admin here from what i remember is was not to do with that hostage situation and something else where you had killed a person with no reason when i tried to find you you had left around 10 mins after the kill hence the LATP as when you kill a person you have to wait 15 mins before changing characters or leaving the server, i was just going to warn for RDM if you was there but since from my point of view you had LTAP'ed so it was added in the ban

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yea the 2 people i killed were in the house one was blocking the door saying i wasnt invited to the party and the other was in the back with bingo weapon out


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yea i totally understand the LTAP that was my bad i had made a poor judgement that we were all in agreence that i wouldnt submit the PK because i had to LOG and take care of something IRL

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i was in the house kidnapping bingo and the guy said that he would help me kidnap bingo with me and I warned him that he would die  

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okay so i did alittle deeper dive and see any kills you did was in that Townhouse, i apologize for the inconvenience i caused

the ban will be removed off your record too

Your ban appeal has been reviewed and accepted.

The ban will be lifted from your account shortly. If it was deemed an invalid ban, it will also be removed from your record.

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