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Banned for sitting down


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Your Character or Steam Name: Silvio Morelli

Your SteamID (Click to retrieve):STEAM_0:0:515844564

Your Discord ID#: belinskisoviet

Reason for ban: Not standing up from my chair when being detained

Length of ban: 3 days

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): i dont think its valid to ban me for such a minor roleplay interaction

Why should you be unbanned? it is a valid rp action to not hand over my license. i can be put in jail for failure to obey orders but i find it too far to ban me for a failure to show i have a gun license.

Additional Information (images, videos, etc): I was simply sitting down when approached by an officer and refused to stand up aswell. i dont see how i should be banned for that without any warning.

Edited by Belinski
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me when I alt e abuse to avoid getting arrested by a cop 

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this guy deserves the ban

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32 minutes ago, Spongeboob said:

this guy deserves the ban

i literally was just sitting down, i dont think anybody should be banned for stupid shit like that

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Banning Admin here, This is self-explanatory if anything, I gave you multiple chances to stand up even brought you twice, pmed you to knock it off, and to stop sitting down. But you decided to run straight back to a chair and sit down to avoid being arrested, and the ban was lowered from 3 days to 2 days.

Edited by Shittor
shut up
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i appreciate the lowering of the ban, but i must mention this. i wasnt aware of any warning. im sure you did pm me but idk where i would see that, also i thought the cop was dragging me out of the chair. it was honestly just me not fully understanding the situation. if i knew an admin was involved, i would have treated it seriously and maybe realize i was doing something wrong. altho the ban was reduced, i still feel like i dont deserve any sort of ban. i do apologize for being oblivious to what was happening tho. i have a pretty clean record and i dont intentionally do this stuff.

Edited by Belinski
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Seeing the facts and even witnessing it myself (game wasn't focused but I did see it happening after, later), you were teleported out of the chair multiple times, there was a large group of players around you telling you what's wrong and how you should stop doing it, yet you continued to do it.


Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified.

Ensure you have read our Server Rules.

Edited by anzati1
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