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Ban Appeal

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Your Character or Steam Name: PWN. Heroic is my steam name character name is going to be Wladysaw "The Hunter" Marzurkiewicz

Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): 

Your Discord ID#: Steam ID: 76561198255470411

Reason for ban: I was banned for unauthorized raid of PD.

Length of ban: 2 Days.

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): The reason I am appealing is because one I do not think that the rules had explained this scenario that well to a new player like my self I personally DID NOT KNOW that opening a locker that was UNLOCKED is considered a raid by any means what so ever seeing as how the locker was LEFT UNLOCKED I didn't need to roll to open it or even lock pick a door to get to it! I just think I should have been talked to explained the situation and warned I do get that rules are continuously being broken by a lot of people and it gets tiring having to explain them! I just think this one thing wasn't touched to well in explanation in rules and as far as the rules you can read go there is only so much detail in them!

Why should you be unbanned? I should be unbanned because this is a first time offense and the rules do not touch into this thing in great detail the PD was unlocked and the locker was unlocked not one time in my head did I think it would be considered a RAID if anything thought I'd get wanted for stealing or something!

Additional Information (images, videos, etc): Have none play on xbox so I constantly am getting screwed out of providing proof!

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I'm the banning admin. You stole the items from the PD (no idea how you got in), the rules are very clear. Read the rules first before you go breaking into the PD. Obviously the room filled with lockers is not for you.

Furthermore, you immediately sold the items as fast as you could. You obviously knew you did something wrong and wanted to get off them quick.

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Yes I understand that the place is not intended for me and no I thought I was allowed access (access meaning to the locker that was unlocked since it was unlocked!) didn't think it was considered a raid and FURTHERMORE on ur accusations I traded them off because it was ILLEGAL items so for ROLEPLAY I didn't wanna get ARRESTED having those items on me so please stop with thinking that I traded them out bc I knew what I did was wrong. I traded them for the simple matter that the VEST is illegal to wear the MASK is illegal to wear and I wanted stuff I could wear.

Was just linked to a very clear rule stating what I did was wrong sorry I didn't see it before! this is a edit I see what ur saying NOW!



ALSO the door to the police station garage was unlocked which led to the office being unlocked then the evidence room all the doors I took to it were unlocked no picks used! Also right after I shared the information with an admin while he was in character not knowing what I did was wrong and never got banned then or talked to so once again I am sorry!


Edited by GarrysCock
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Yea, just not allowed to raid or rob PD, unrealistic. 

Your ban appeal has been reviewed and accepted.

The ban will be reduced to 1 day.

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