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Ban appeal

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Your Character or Steam Name: Troubledghost

Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): 


Your Discord ID#: rufie.

Reason for ban: RDM LTAP

Length of ban: 3 days

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): dispute

Why should you be unbanned?
Hi, I was banned for RDM LTAP, however i do not recall killing anyone that would've constituted RDM hence eventually leaving after some time [as I was not aware such thing would happen - and to be fair, must have been a busy period as ticket took ages to be taken]. Could you please send me the clip or whatever to show what I did as I have no idea why this occured? 31B PFC Tyreese was the one that banned me.

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Edited by TroubledGhost
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Hello, person who banned you here.

If I recall you VDMed which I should have been more specific. This was right before server restart (5pm CST) you ran into someone which you drove by and turned back around and rammed him. I looked at your past notes and are well within the right of being banned for 3 days. If not longer. I waited 10mins+ for you to reconnect after server restart and no reconnection. I do not have this medal clip saved but will find it tomorrow once I’m home early afternoon most likely. 

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Ahhhhh i understand now, you got the wrong guy hahaha. I was the person in the car with that man who was VDMd. So TL;DR guy wanted a ride to gun store but it was almost server restart time and i was mostly tabbed out so i let the guy take my car and drive himself, but turns out he didnt know where gun store was. so i told him to hop out and ill drive and before he could get into the car, he got VDMd by the other person.



Edited by TroubledGhost
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To confirm i didnt get that guys ID number as he was in the car the entire time and server reset too.

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Your ban appeal has been reviewed and accepted.

The ban will be lifted from your account shortly. If it was deemed an invalid ban, it will also be removed from your record.

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