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PK Appeal

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Name of Character: Par-Suieze Harington

SteamID: 76561199307761344

Your Discord ID#: digitalbackup97_36491

Date of PK: 07/06/2024

Reason for PK: Killed during mugging

Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: Hi i am a new member to the server i have been on for 48 hours, i have been enjoying my time on the server until i had someone mug me in my apartment. I am still new so i was quiet sure what was going on, the gentlemen mugging my where yelling and i was in a slight panic so i was moving around and i was shot dead. 2 hours later they filled a PK with the admin which i felt was extremely ridiculous and escalated for what it was. To my understanding the muggers can not just shot me dead without demands and it was my understanding that demands had to be made before they could just kill me and execute a PK, apparently during the yelling and and everything they demanded i stopped moving which i did not hear or understand which caused them to kill me and file a PK with a admin during which the mugger that filled the pk just spouted on the N word and said he killed me and filed the PK because i was "rude" for not selling my apartment to him. I humbly request this PK be reversed I genuinely believe its a misunderstand and lack of experience being a new player. I will respect the decision made but i would appreciate a second chance on this character i worked hard on and a second chance to enjoy playing on this server.

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Posted (edited)

As the person that destroyed you off the face of the earth I would like to say you should have stood still after being warned WAYYY tooo many times running around. -_x



Edited by Hans Hunnebun
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1 hour ago, darthneon said:

Name of Character: Par-Suieze Harington

SteamID: 76561199307761344

Your Discord ID#: digitalbackup97_36491

Date of PK: 07/06/2024

Reason for PK: Killed during mugging

Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: Hi i am a new member to the server i have been on for 48 hours, i have been enjoying my time on the server until i had someone mug me in my apartment. I am still new so i was quiet sure what was going on, the gentlemen mugging my where yelling and i was in a slight panic so i was moving around and i was shot dead. 2 hours later they filled a PK with the admin which i felt was extremely ridiculous and escalated for what it was. To my understanding the muggers can not just shot me dead without demands and it was my understanding that demands had to be made before they could just kill me and execute a PK, apparently during the yelling and and everything they demanded i stopped moving which i did not hear or understand which caused them to kill me and file a PK with a admin during which the mugger that filled the pk just spouted on the N word and said he killed me and filed the PK because i was "rude" for not selling my apartment to him. I humbly request this PK be reversed I genuinely believe its a misunderstand and lack of experience being a new player. I will respect the decision made but i would appreciate a second chance on this character i worked hard on and a second chance to enjoy playing on this server.

Hey Mugger here you failed to comply under gun point so therefore you got Pkd 
Let me just drop the clip 


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Posted (edited)

Hello, I was the admin who PKed you. Long story short you broke FearRP and died as a result. Honestly, there isn't much to explain as it was a relatively straightforward PK as shown in the provided clip above. I'm more than inclined to give you another chance since you're relatively new, but that decision will not be made by me but by the reviewing UA member later on. Please do read up on the associated rules and PK guidelines if you need further context or you could contact me personally on discord instead for further clarification.

Edited by Z O O M E R
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After reviewing the evidence I agree with the decision of the PKing admin. You were told countless times to stop moving, whilst you had 2 guns pointed at you.

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Your appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this PK to be reasonable and/or justified.

You may not re-appeal this PK.

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