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Yuri's ban appeal


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Your Character or Steam Name: Ryan " rogue " Alonso 

Your SteamID :https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199122345832/ 

Your Discord ID#: 792599944799846420 or kir012 

Reason for ban: rdm 

Length of ban: 30 days 

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): The person i rdmed at the end of the sit said it was fine and the staff said I was free to go and the map restarted and I rejoined I was not banned then I was banned when i left .

Why should you be unbanned? He was throwing props at the truck where my friend was siting in and it was about to blow up i shot the guy then in the sit started the guy said that i was fine and he didn't want me banned so the staff set me free to go and then when map restarted i was banned when i left the server , also the person that killed my coworker so i had the right to kill the guy . 

Additional Information (images, videos, etc): none 

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Hi, I was the staff member who banned you. 

There are two types of threats, an 'Active Threat' and a 'Idle threat'. Users may kill for an active threat but they may not kill for an idle a threat.”

First, no damage was dealt to the car. Second, during the sit you never mentioned the man killing your friend if your able to give myself or another staff member their name I can check logs to see if this is true. But from the clip provided to me both parties were at fault but that does not excuse one party or the other. You ignored the escalation rules set that you have multiple past offenses of doing so. I was originally going to let you off with a note prior to checking your POs. After checking however, you have had over 20 chances to read and understand the rules regarding active and idle threats.  

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Both parties are in the wrong, the guy was blatantly RDM baiting by throwing babies at the car, however you're an active player who has an extensive record of bans and notes. You will be on thin ice going forward, so take this as your final warning not to fuck up again.

Your ban appeal has been reviewed and accepted.

The ban will be reduced to 1 week.

Edited by Toast
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