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Mikey Ban Appeal


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Your Character or Steam Name: Mike DeCavalcante

Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:0:710270797

Your Discord ID#: 965737745131642961

Reason for ban: RDMx1

Length of ban: 2 days

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): apology

Why should you be unbanned? As as citizen of New York I enjoy my time thoroughly here. I did not realize the consequences of my actions, and although the ban time is short I am a rp oriented player and would like to get back into the city as soon as possible. I do apologize for any inconveniences to the community. There is nothing I enjoy more then hopping in the city at the end of the day and role playing. Either way, thank you for your time and consideration looking at this appeal.
Mikey Peppas

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Hi there! Banning moderator here. The reason for the ban was two fold, first you already had three prior notes for RDM in the span of just two weeks. Secondly, I deemed it to be RDM after I had spoken with you during the sit and you said the gentleman had tried to mug you. I proceeded to ask for more information and you said you and your buddy had gone to the motel to meet him. He invited you into his room, you and your friend got suspicious so you left. Never did he actively put you under fearRP or did he say he was going to mug you, you just had a suspicion that he was going to and you admitted this. Here is the clip of the kill itself.


Edited by Byte
clarification and capitalization
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Yes, I do agree of what you were saying, but I don't think I made my point clear. I made this appeal to appeal the ban not to dispute what happened. I did not admit to anything I just stated what happened.

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Just because you think someone is trying to mug you doesn't mean you can shoot them, you can shoot them when they actually pull a weapon of some kind and say something along the lines of gimme all your stuff I'm mugging you

Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified.

Ensure you have read our Server Rules.

Edited by James
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