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Banned at 4 in the mourning

Otto Rothschild

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Your Character or Steam Name: David "Piggy" Warson

Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): Steam ID: 76561198450105680

Your Discord ID#: Godtier#3121

Reason for ban: NITRP

Length of ban: 1 week

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): I was banned unjustly and had broken no rules other than possibly calling too many sit requests. 

Why should you be unbanned?: I do not believe I violated any of the server's rules, if not negligible, and all the while unintentional. To any rules that I may have violated such as possibly mixing I do apologize but given the circumstances I believe such to be understandable.

I was playing late at night (4 in the mourning for me) when some of the Kosher people attempted to kidnap me inside of the bank as a joke. Afterward, they said to a police officer that I wouldn't leave their property, who knew that I was locked in there. They then put props in front of the door so that it couldn't be walked through and opened the left door so that the officer could attempt to taze me through the door. Eventually, they removed the props and I made a run for it and left the area fleeing from the cop into the sewers where he stopped chasing me. After that, I took off my mask and walked through the sewers until I found another manhole to come up. I came up, talked to an Asian man for a while before stealing his car, and got a ride back to the bank to continue choppin it up before heading out for some sleep. When the cop saw me without my mask he immediately meta-gamed me and said "Show me your ID" and then started trying to taze me when I attempted to do so. I began running from the cop again until he caught me this time where I then called a sit for meta-game and fail RP. The admin who took the sit told me he didn't break a rule even though he failed to RP out the fact that I was kidnapped and he worked with my kidnappers to arrest me for being on their property. The admin returned me from which I attempted to call another sit and said "Please actually listen to what I'm saying and take my sit" which he did not. The officer then brought me into the jail cell and started searching me, he then uncuffed me while attempting to search me and I immediately shot him with my pistol. After killing him I made another ticket saying I was stuck inside of the prison cell and that he was gonna break NLR and try to arrest me again. The admin on the server still did nothing and left me inside of the jail cell, where the officer returned I hid until he quit searching. I then changed my character as that character is stuck inside of the police department and made the assumption that I could get a staff member to bring me out of the PD the next day, as logically in RP I could take the officer's keys and walk out of the PD after shooting him. After changing characters, the officer came over to my lawyer character where I began to insult him for breaking NLR and he walked away. Then as soon as the officer walked away the admin banned me from NITRP. During the entire incident, I attempted to roleplay to its fullest even while it was entirely failed RP on the officer's part. And even after killing the officer, I attempted to RP out my escape from the prison the next day as the only admin on the server obviously wasn't going to help me. I feel that in this situation I did not break any rules other than possibly mixing which was completely justified, and since I was recently unbanned I have been careful to not break any rules. 

Additional Information (images, videos, etc): I have several clips of the situation at various stages, if any of the situation needs video proof please ask and I can attempt to provide such to its fullest. 

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- You stated that you were going to shoot a car

- a cop heard you and asked for your id, you refused

- you ran away from the cop, into bank

-jews were attempting to lock the doors opened so you couldnt door spam him to avoid arrest and so the cop can taze and arrest you, you spammed the doors and they accidentally locked it while it was swinging shut, locking it while closed instead, this happens all the time, and was in no way shape or form a kidnap (I was on my Criminal character watching the whole thing)

- They fixed the doors momentarily and locked them opened, and you proceeded to run allllll the way down the road to car dealer being chased on foot by the cop, fleeing in itself is a felony.

- blah blah blah yada yada yada the cop caught up to you 10+ minutes later, you admitted to me in the staff sit with you that you changed your clothes and took your mask off, but you didnt change your description at all, which is completely Ic no matter what you put in it, it's an IC identifier for a person to a cop.

- Told you too bad so sad, returned you, you completely spoke ooc almost the whole time on your way to jail, and in the cell you were stood still for a long time so the cop couldnt search you, having him make a ticket on you because he couldnt search you and unhandcuff you.

- Not knowing what to do, the cop unhandcuffs you in the holding cell, you whip out a gun, and kill him.

-After killing him you proceed to tell him through your mic to "not break NLR", an ooc term.

- You then chair (ALT + E) exploited right after on the bench to get out of the holding cell since you were locked in


This isn't a DarkRP server, you have to roleplay 90% of the situations you come across, you can't call for an admin to see if they can essentially get you out of being arrested. Whether you think it's fair or not, if you feel the police are not following their department policy or the law you can make an IA report within the police station. You have EXTENSIVE POs including a 30 day ban for the exact same ban reason I gave you, except my ban was 7 days.

Edited by Falcon
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Please do post clips. Its hard to take your side given the amount of Pos you have.

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36 minutes ago, Youbear said:

Please do post clips. Its hard to take your side given the amount of Pos you have.

what do you need a clip of, I have 3 to 4 10 minute clips but metal only allows me to post 2 minute intervals otherwise I would just post the entire incident. Also my networks is really bad and it takes me 30 minutes to upload a 2 minute clip.

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I was also sent images of you in the same clothing before and after the arrest and your escape, so lieing in a staff sit could be added to it.

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Just provide proof they locked you in there and prop blocked you

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17 hours ago, Falcon said:

I was also sent images of you in the same clothing before and after the arrest and your escape, so lieing in a staff sit could be added to it.

As I said in the staff sit, I took off my mask which conceals my identity. If you had listened to what I said during the staff sit, instead of talking over me then saying 'too bad so sad' you wouldn't have made that misconception. Aswell, I did at one point begin to take off my outfit and change my description but then realized I was wearing a mask so my identity was concealed anyway, and put my description and clothes back on.

Edited by Otto Rothschild
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6 hours ago, Youbear said:

Just provide proof they locked you in there and prop blocked you

Here is the first two minutes of me being inside of the bank, I got out shortly after this clip but I wasnt able to fit the whole 2 minutes 30 ish seconds into the medal time frame.


Edited by Otto Rothschild
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15 hours ago, Otto Rothschild said:

Here is the first two minutes of me being inside of the bank, I got out shortly after this clip but I wasnt able to fit the whole 2 minutes 30 ish seconds into the medal time frame.


I dont see anything wrong, they unlocked the door not even 10 seconds after they locked it. There wasnt any prop blocking there as well, you couldve walked out the door multiple times in the clip.

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After reviewing all of this and spoke to the banning admin, the fact I interacted with you the other day and banned you for the same reason this ban is going to stay. The extensive PO's you have just for NITRP is leading you to a perma ban. Consider this your final warning and use your time to review the server rules https://divergenet.works/forum/8-rules/


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Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified.

Ensure you have read our Server Rules.

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