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Ban Appeal

toby boby

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Your Character or Steam Name: Enzo Hazy 

Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:0:71651986

Your Discord ID#: tobyboby_

Reason for ban: Mass MRDM/ POx1

Length of ban: 7 Days 

ART 1: Reason for Appeal

I believe the ban imposed on me was unfair. I explained to the admin that I did not intend to engage in mass RDM (Random Death Match). What actually happened was that I was trying to defend myself against someone who attempted to mug me. While attempting to shoot the person, I missed most of my rounds, only managing to wound them. They then took cover behind a wall near a car. As I took cover to reload, I approached again and fired at the car, believing that bystanders would have fled. Unfortunately, the car exploded, unintentionally causing the death of one or more innocent persons who were either behind it or nearby. I have attached a clip showing my attempt to shoot the person wearing a light-colored suit.

Additionally, I have provided a video demonstrating the attempted mugging. None of the individuals killed by the car explosion reported me; only the person I attempted to shoot reported the incident, acknowledging that I did not intend to harm bystanders. Azoro, whose Steam ID I have attached, stood next to the person I targeted and affirmed that my actions were not meant to harm anyone other than the offender.

PART 2: Additional Clarification

I would also like to address the ban I received for killing other players after this initial incident. The admin cited RDM as the reason, but I explained that those instances were unrelated to the earlier situation. As far as I am aware, none of those affected players reported me for RDM in connection with the preceding events.

Why Should I Be Unbanned?

I believe the ban was unjust. Rather than solely blaming the admin, I would like to emphasize that no other clips exist showing deliberate targeting of individuals resulting in their deaths. If I unintentionally harmed anyone who perceives it as deliberate, I sincerely apologize. I have been a longstanding member of this community and have not committed any offenses for over a year. I acknowledge my past mistakes and have learned from them, but I maintain that I did not act wrongly in this particular situation.

Azoro Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:703467936


the videos i have attached might expire within a few days if so please DM on discord and i will send them through to you.

Discord. tobyboby_

Edited by toby boby
i didn't follow the format properly and needed to fix it
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Follow the appeal format

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24 minutes ago, Canadian-bacon said:

Follow the appeal format

sorry about that i fixed the issue thank you for telling me. 

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Hi there! Banning moderator here. There is a lot to unpack with this situation so I'll take it apart piece by piece. First, the context leading up to before I had even brought you. This was just before map change while I was already in another sit as the only staff online. There was three tickets made against you for MRDM for the situation with the car by the clown, the gentleman in the plain button up, and your intended target AND a ticket made against you for when you shot up the restaurant. As I did not have time to finish the current sit and investigate their four tickets, I quickly brought them, checked logs for kills and combat damage. In logs as I told you, you had multiple kills in rapid succession with no damage done to you. With this information I was able to reasonably comp them so map change didn't wipe it and informed them to remake their tickets after map change. A screenshot of the kill logs will be shared. This does not properly represent the two other players, a clown and another random third party, that was killed when you blew up the car.

6 hours ago, toby boby said:

I believe the ban imposed on me was unfair. I explained to the admin that I did not intend to engage in mass RDM (Random Death Match). What actually happened was that I was trying to defend myself against someone who attempted to mug me. While attempting to shoot the person, I missed most of my rounds, only managing to wound them. They then took cover behind a wall near a car. As I took cover to reload, I approached again and fired at the car, believing that bystanders would have fled. Unfortunately, the car exploded, unintentionally causing the death of one or more innocent persons who were either behind it or nearby. I have attached a clip showing my attempt to shoot the person wearing a light-colored suit.

In your own clip for this first situation, you can see you begin by shooting at your original target, showing you have an intended, rightful target as this gentleman had tried to mug you. You then choose to peak the corner again, see someone that you already knew wasn't your target as they were wearing dark clothing, not the white jacket, and shoot them blatantly. You then aim at the clown, watch him run towards the car, at which point you decide to shoot up the car and blow it up. That car then kills two others not involved in the conflict at all. To add even more context to this I asked you directly that in a situation with four people you killed three of the four and the only one you didn't kill was your actual targeted and you admitted it.


6 hours ago, toby boby said:

Additionally, I have provided a video demonstrating the attempted mugging. None of the individuals killed by the car explosion reported me; only the person I attempted to shoot reported the incident, acknowledging that I did not intend to harm bystanders. Azoro, whose Steam ID I have attached, stood next to the person I targeted and affirmed that my actions were not meant to harm anyone other than the offender.

This is already addressed in the first section adding context to the situation.

6 hours ago, toby boby said:

PART 2: Additional Clarification

I would also like to address the ban I received for killing other players after this initial incident. The admin cited RDM as the reason, but I explained that those instances were unrelated to the earlier situation. As far as I am aware, none of those affected players reported me for RDM in connection with the preceding events.

This other incident was included as it was directly, within minutes, after the first situation. The last player you killed, you directly admitted you only shot him as he was in the restaurant with your second kill in logs. I asked you if he had a weapon, you said no, I asked you if he ever claimed or said anything about also working at the property, you said no. You clearly understood and recognized he was not an active threat, just another person in the area at the time of the justified shooting.

So adding it all up you had four unjustified kills, one justified kill, and one justified attempted kill in the span of seven minutes. You killed double the amount of the people you justifiably could and that is what lead me to giving you a ban for MRDM.

Screenshot 2024-06-27 142048.png

Edited by Byte
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If you had just killed the guy who pointed the gun at you and threatened you it would have been a valid kill, but no you killed multiple other people because you just aren't careful enough, with your multiple POs I don't feel it is right to accept this appeal as in remove the ban or reduce it even thought it was an accident. 

Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified.

Ensure you have read our Server Rules.

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