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Who remembers back in the day when drug processors looked like this and you could run several at once creating a huge ass operation and also if I remember correctly they were multi step requiring several ingredients at different times or all at once. Not on diverge exactly but just in general when it comes to the MafiaRP game mode. 

Here is a shitty photo but if u really did play back then youll recognize it.



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fun times lining them up

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Fucking loved this script also liked having to buy the shit to make the drugs from other factions like matches and cold medicine

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I would love to see this but set up in a way that wouldn’t lock people away to grind even more

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11 minutes ago, Diverge101 said:

I would love to see this but set up in a way that wouldn’t lock people away to grind even more

 Man me too. I think it would be neat to make it take 30-45 minutes to process drugs and adjust the values and what not to balance it out. Doing this in turn would give people more time to RP instead of just sitting in a room and waiting for the three minute timer or whatever. Unfortunately I don't see this being implemented due to the fact that it would rely on so many other values to be changed and it is lowkey a lot of work and all for what just to fix something that isn't broken?

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